Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
#player2 Diana_Grosman Diana Grosman
>Samuel_Kaplan: AAEFITW 8D FATWA +30 30
>Diana_Grosman: ACIL D4 CALI. +20 20
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEEIMPU F4 IMPU.ED +22 52
#note F4 IMPU(T)E was worth looking into as well. Because there's too many hooks left and this is 6 more, I think this looks fine.
>Diana_Grosman: BEFNNOS - +0 20
#note Not actual rack. Diana exchanged 5 tiles here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEEGLPT 5F .ELTAGE +20 72
#note Probably just 9E G(E)E is fine despite it being more boring. 6 points isn't quite enough to justify blowing up the rack like this, although spread was a concern for me at this juncture. I would have also given consideration to C5 PEG if I was closer to the top of the standings and was looking to play it safer while still keeping options open for myself.
>Diana_Grosman: JKU L2 JUK. +30 50
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?BEILPW J1 WIPE.BLe +72 144
#note Haven't seen a blank for 2 consecutive games and finally my 1st blank bingo of the tournament! And it involved drawing a little clunk which made it even sweeter.
>Diana_Grosman: EHN 1H HE.N +30 80
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?AACRSY 10F .AYCAReS +65 209
#note Safe to say this game is going so much better for me. And I'm very happy to spot this bingo after I did not see any 7s in this rack (none exist). H7 C(A)RAwAYS is tricky to spot but this is still so much better positionally at this score- Diana won't be able to just play down from the blank E in WIPEABLE to make it hard for me to close down the board in the long run.
>Diana_Grosman: OS 6J .OS +24 104
>Samuel_Kaplan: GIIOTTV 2L .IG +22 231
>Diana_Grosman: EOTV K9 T.OVE +16 120
#note Yea, she's setting up S hooks now.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ILOTTUV 13F VOLUT. +11 242
#note I am absolutely not doing 13F OUTVI(E) with the X unseen. Let's keep the bottom part of the board closed. This was also chosen over VIOL(E)T to make the H12 hotspot less volatile.
>Diana_Grosman: BDE H12 B.ED +30 150
>Samuel_Kaplan: AAEEIMT 1M MAE +22 264
#note I can partially obstruct the JIGS hook that I created a couple turns ago right here.
>Diana_Grosman: INO 12K .INO +14 164
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEHINQT 7C Q. +21 285
>Diana_Grosman: IO 4L .OI +7 171
#note She has lots of Is and Os apparently! Misscored as 6.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEEHINT 13M AHI +21 306
#note She's done a nice job trying to distract me a bit. But the S hooks are her best way to claw back in this one, so that's what I am addressing.
>Diana_Grosman: AIRSS O4 SARIS +27 198
#note Interesting play. I'm not seeing a great home for the X and Z on this board if that's what she might be going for here with the turnover.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEEGNOT 14L EGO +24 330
>Diana_Grosman: OX N6 OX +24 222
#note I'm surprised she missed OX at 15K for 10 more.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EENOTTY J13 .YE +14 344
#note I think E11 TEENY is perfectly fine. I don't think Diana is going to do much with this ugly pool, so I shouldn't be too concerned about turning over a lot of tiles. I will say that this is the 2nd game in this tournament that I am approaching the pre-endgame phase with 4 unseen Rs!
>Diana_Grosman: F 4F .F +10 232
>Samuel_Kaplan: DENOTTZ H7 Z.N. +16 360
>Diana_Grosman: DN 14G D.N. +13 245
>Samuel_Kaplan: DENOTTU 8L DUO. +17 377
#note This one was played fine until I missed 15A UNDOTTE(D). #findingsad
>Diana_Grosman: EINRRRR 15J .RR +7 252
>Samuel_Kaplan: ENTT 9K .ET +11 388
>Diana_Grosman: EINRR 15E IRE. +9 261
>Samuel_Kaplan: NT 15D T.... +7 395
#note Now the consonants aren't that great on this board after all.
>Diana_Grosman: NR J10 .N +4 265
>Samuel_Kaplan: N E8 .N +4 399
#note 3 spots to play my N is better than none- pretty rare that you see someone N-stuck! Pretty good win but I threw some spread away on the final play. Final score was recorded as 401-264. 2-2 -17. Slowly getting myself back in it. I will need some more good ones to pull off another potential tournament comeback.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (R) +2 401
Player 2
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