Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kyle Kyle
#player2 Jeremy Jeremy
>Kyle: ?EHLNST H4 HaNTLES +76 76
>Jeremy: OX I8 OX +36 36
>Kyle: HILMNST G9 HIM +31 107
>Jeremy: EPTW F10 WEPT +35 71
>Kyle: ILNOSTV 13C VOL. +14 121
>Jeremy: EY 12D YE. +28 99
>Kyle: EINOSTZ 6F ZI. +32 153
>Jeremy: FO 7F OF. +30 129
>Kyle: ENOOPST 8D POO +20 173
>Jeremy: EORY I3 YORE +30 159
>Kyle: DENNSST J2 DENTS +41 214
>Jeremy: AIIN 1H INIA +19 178
>Jeremy: GIN (challenge) +5 183
>Kyle: AEFGNSU 2F FUN +16 230
>Jeremy: GIN 4H ...ING +20 203
>Kyle: AEEGKLS 3E KEG +20 250
>Jeremy: ALOTV 4B LOVAT +28 231
>Kyle: AAAEELS -AAE +0 250
>Jeremy: EM E3 ..ME +35 266
#note Scored as 37.
>Kyle: ACEILRS L2 LA.CIERS +61 311
>Jeremy: RU D12 ..UR +8 274
>Kyle: AEEJORT 3A TAJ +40 351
>Jeremy: AQT B2 T..AQ +68 342
#note Scored as 70.
>Kyle: AAEEORR 15A REA. +12 363
>Jeremy: BERW 9B BREW +19 361
>Kyle: ?ADEIOR K7 ROADIEs +70 433
>Jeremy: CEIINU 13H CUI.INE +18 379
>Kyle: AADDGSU 14L DADS +23 456
>Jeremy: B B14 B. +8 387
>Jeremy: (GUA) +8 395
Player 2
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