Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Chris Chris
#player2 Joey Joey
>Chris: AEIJKNR 8D JERKIN +50 50
>Joey: EEEILOU D8 .OULE +24 24
>Chris: AAOTWXZ F8 .AX +26 76
>Joey: ACEEFIO G6 FA.E +16 40
>Chris: AIOTTWZ E4 AZOT. +28 104
>Joey: CEGIOPT J6 PIG +31 71
>Chris: ACIIRTW D1 WAIT +26 130
>Joey: CEILNOT 12B EL.CTION +61 132
#note Either placement is rather dangerous.
>Chris: CIINRSU B5 SCIURIN. +68 198
#note If I had played in the other spot, he probably would have found RICINUS, since he wouldn't have had this bingo instead.
>Joey: ?DLNORV 1A VRO. +30 162
>Chris: DDEILRR H1 RIDDLE +35 233
>Joey: ??DLNOT 1H .OuNDLeT +77 239
>Chris: AAFIQRR G2 QI +27 260
>Joey: HPSTUWY H11 P.UTY +30 269
>Chris: AAFORRU K3 FORA +18 278
>Joey: BBEHOSW L4 HEW +38 307
>Chris: AAEENRU A9 EAU +9 287
>Joey: BBDEEOS M3 BOB +25 332
#note Tough to decide whether or not to tack on the S. I opted for a better leave, since my lead wouldn't be insurmountable either way.
>Chris: AEHNNOR F4 NA +16 303
>Joey: DEEEESS J12 SEE +16 348
#note I still have no idea what's best here. There are about a half dozen plays all bunched together.
>Chris: AEHMNOR C1 .HM +29 332
>Joey: DEEGIST C12 .EG +8 356
#note Probably the most fatal error of this sequence. DIGEST 15J and hoping he doesn't bingo seems to be the best option, but I figured I could hang on without him bingo-ing.
>Chris: AENORSY 15J RAYONS +43 375
#note DOPS. GV was not what I wanted. I wanted his last two letters (AM) instead.
>Joey: DEGISTV 15A VISED +35 391
>Chris: AEM 14M MAE +20 395
>Chris: (GT) +6 401
Player 2
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