Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
#player2 Edwin_Roth Edwin Roth
>Samuel_Kaplan: AENNNSZ 8G ZEN +24 24
#note Almost ZENANAS! But this is much better than exchanging.
>Edwin_Roth: ?AADERV 9F cADAVER +80 80
#note This might be one of those days where everyone will score nicely against me no matter what I do. Nice find Ed!
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEENNRS M7 ENSNARE +80 104
#note There we go. Keep pace.
>Edwin_Roth: EKOPSTU K5 OUTK.EPS +106 186
#note Or I can get unlucky and have to play catch up again lol. Nice one!
>Samuel_Kaplan: AAAHIIT F9 .HIA +14 118
#note I didn't see L6 HAIR for 10 more, but I really like my play a lot so that I can eventually work around the C in CADAVER and also give myself lines at the bottom of the board to work with later on.
>Edwin_Roth: IX J6 XI +52 238
#note Disgusting ANTILUCK* galore. But I have come back from large deficits several times in the past. Can I do it here too?
>Samuel_Kaplan: AAEIPTT N2 APATITE +76 194
#note Glad to see this bingo. That's a step in the right direction.
>Edwin_Roth: DGILU O8 GUILD +39 277
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEJOOUY O1 JEE +36 230
#note Close between L2 JOEY and this in the sim. Figured I might try to slow the game down a little because I can score again with 2 Ds, 4 Rs, and 2 Ss left with those hooks. It's not like EOU is that much better with the floating A and I in CHIA. Also, I save my Y for other scoring insurance whereas EOU won't do that.
>Edwin_Roth: AALT M2 TALA +25 302
>Samuel_Kaplan: EGOOSUY 14J YOUSE +40 270
#note Good. Definitely worth it to burn my S here. Need to score and stay within 1 bingo range.
>Edwin_Roth: AEHY 15H YEAH +40 342
#note Hard to keep up with how much Ed is scoring. And already all the As are gone!
>Samuel_Kaplan: DFGIOOT 4L G..D +30 300
#note E10 OOF would have been cool and gotten me easier access to the top left side of the board- Ed will have a very hard time blocking Column D bingoes after that because the K and Ps are on the board already! On the flip side, most bingoes that end with a D also end with -ED and there's only 2 Es unseen so I would not have loved my odds of drawing into a bingo ending with a D. So perhaps taking the 4 extra points now might not be so bad if I also have Row 14 available.
>Edwin_Roth: DIOTV 11C VID.OT +20 362
#note But this was a major upside of doing CHIA- Ed is going to have a hard time closing the left side of the board almost no matter what he does!
>Samuel_Kaplan: FIIOOTW N11 WIF. +25 325
#note Definitely not doing 13D WOOF at this score. That does Ed's work for him. But look at how many consonants are still lurking in the pool!
>Edwin_Roth: EFM 14F FEM +23 385
#note He might have taken out the CHIAO hook, but he's not closing down the board so easily.
>Samuel_Kaplan: BINOOTW D8 BON.TO +22 347
#note And I finally got around the C in CADAVER. If he does not have vowels, I might be able to pull this off. BONITO scores 4 more than BIOTIN and makes potential bingoes from me harder to block with the scarcity of vowels in the pool.
>Edwin_Roth: IN C11 .IN +18 403
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEILMOW 8A WOM. +33 380
#note I didn't see 15A WIMBLE for 53, but I would honestly be hesitant to play that with this pool. By doing WOMB, I play 3 fewer tiles, which minimizes my exposure to the 4 Rs (!!), the Q, and the clunkier than usual Cs. This allows me the most straightforward path to a potential comeback win as I fork the vertical lines with Ed not being able to block bingoes with the WOMBS hook in 1 move. The most effective way I see for Ed to block bingoes with the WOMBS hook is to play G5 COL(ZA), which gets rid of a valuable vowel, then play across, while still allowing me to have the lanes in WOMB to work with to bingo out.
>Edwin_Roth: CR B8 .RC +11 414
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEIILOS H8 ..I. +5 385
#note IOS is as good of a draw as I could have asked for given how junky the pool is. I now have a 7/11 chance of hitting a bingo with the WOMBS hook: C gives me COLBIES, G gives me OBLIGES, O gives me LOOBIES, R gives me BOILERS/REBOILS, and the blank gives me many others. But a better thing to wonder is how does H11 TI win more often when I never even saw any potential 9s ending with -ED on Column H that I could hit (and none exist)?
>Edwin_Roth: ?OQRU C3 QUORu. +32 446
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEGILOS E2 OBLIGES +82 467
#note I did it! I trailed the whole game and stuck with it and grabbed a lead for the one and only turn where it mattered most. That was some game. 1-1 -48. Hopefully I can get some more wins after I grinded this one out and avoided the massive clunk.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (CLNRR) +14 481
Player 2
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