Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dave_Engelhardt Dave Engelhardt
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Dave_Engelhardt: AHNTU 8D HAUNT +24 24
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACIJLVW 9C JAW +31 31
#note Nothing is particularly exciting here, so might as well do this and give the least back to Dave. Looks fine.
>Dave_Engelhardt: AEX 10E AXE +32 56
>Samuel_Kaplan: CIILOPV H4 PIVO. +13 44
#note I looked for a while for 6s using the AXEL hook and none exist, although I almost have LIPOID which would have been nice despite keeping the clunky V. I guess this is fine although H10 LIPO was considered too.
>Dave_Engelhardt: AZ 7C ZA +27 83
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACFIILT 4H .ILAF +20 64
#note Didn't want to do 11F of I4 IF since this takes out some 2x2s while keeping the board open for myself later on.
>Dave_Engelhardt: EILOOS H10 LOOIES +32 115
#note And he beat me to this spot. He probably kept another vowel, but this scores nicely for him.
>Samuel_Kaplan: CELOTTU 3K TOLU +15 79
#note Sometimes it's not necessarily one move that costs me the game, but I feel like this is where I lost this one by not seeing 15A CULOTTES. That one is gettable and I have no idea how this game would have turned out if I did see it. #findinglarge
>Dave_Engelhardt: AEGLNOU - +0 115
#note Not actual rack. Dave exchanged 5 tiles here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: CEEEEST 5K ET +16 95
#note And I blocked my own ELECTEES in the process, how convenient. Also worth noting that Dave and I were both unsure the whole game if TOLU took an S (it does). Those ones ending with U are tricky because LITUS* is not good for example. Interestingly the sim actually puts 6E TEE(V)EE at the top which I never saw but I wasn't seeing a great scoring option that takes out my own ETA hook for Row 2. Maybe 6H (V)EE is fine if I had to do this over again.
>Dave_Engelhardt: RUY 11D RYU +41 156
#note Nice play.
>Samuel_Kaplan: CDEEEIS 12A CEDE +24 119
#note And if ZA wasn't in the way, DECEIVES would have played!
>Dave_Engelhardt: ?DEEIMO 15B DEMOnI.E +63 219
#note I would never have seen 15H (S)EmIDOME, but things like 15A EMbODIE(S) do play for 83 here for Dave.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EIINSUV A8 VINI. +30 149
#note Looks good. That miss of CULOTTES is bigger than I would have anticipated.
>Dave_Engelhardt: ABDEO 14B ABODE +40 259
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEGHNSU M5 HUB +17 166
#note Number 1, this should have been played at 6D. Number 2, if I was sure of TOLUS, I definitely would have played O1 BUSH.
>Dave_Engelhardt: DIK J13 KID +22 281
>Samuel_Kaplan: EFGNOS 13B GO +26 192
#note Glad to have at least seen this insertion.
>Dave_Engelhardt: AMORRT N6 MORTAR +30 311
#note And that's why M5 HUB was not a good play. The entire right side is going to get blocked off.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?EFLNSY O7 YE +29 221
#note I did not see the MORTARY hook, but I wasn't doing that at this score either way.
>Dave_Engelhardt: AENP M10 NAPE +16 327
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?EFLNQS 13G F.N. +16 237
#note Dumping the Q on this turn won't help me here because I realistically need 2 big plays to get back in this game: draw another vowel to make a 70+ point Q play starting at either O10 or O11 and hit a Row 5 or Column K bingo.
>Dave_Engelhardt: EGIINST K7 IGNITES +78 405
#note And I got unlucky because IGNITES didn't previously play on this board until I gave him a spot. Basically GG at this point. And this was misscored as 79.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?AELQST O11 EQuAL +72 309
#note I am officially screwed. If I simply fish off the Q with 10J QI, Dave is going to know my entire rack and he will simply block Row 5 (if I have a playable bingo). So cutting spread is a good call.
>Dave_Engelhardt: CGNRRRS N2 C.R +10 415
#note I really like L1 CR(OFT)S here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: STW I3 W.T +12 321
#note Best endgame.
>Dave_Engelhardt: GNRRS F6 GN. +8 423
>Samuel_Kaplan: S 10E ....S +12 333
#note At least I cut spread nicely. I don't think I played that badly this game overall. But 2 moves stood out that were bad: missing CULOTTES and being unsure of TOLUS. That's part of why I lost this game. Yes, Dave beat me to the AXE hook and the Y for AWAY and I fought through some bad racks in the first half of the game. But don't make a move if you're not sure of hooks that exist. Great game Dave! Final score was recorded as 422-339. 0-1 -83.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (RRS) +6 339
Player 2
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