Player 1 |
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#player1 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
#player2 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
>Mike_Frentz: EIKMRRT 8G MIRK +20 20
#note Or MIRKER.
>Jackson_Smylie: DIV 9F VID +16 16
>Mike_Frentz: EGILRRT H6 GR.. +6 26
#note RIDGIL appears to be slightly better, and would've prevented what happened next:
>Jackson_Smylie: AABELRU 6F AR.UABLE +65 81
>Mike_Frentz: EEILRTU K4 LU.E +12 38
#note Or LEU 10G.
>Jackson_Smylie: ITZ 5D TIZ +35 116
>Mike_Frentz: EIIOPRT L2 POI +14 52
#note PIOLET 4H looks best. Didn't consider it.
>Jackson_Smylie: AAV E9 AVA +20 136
>Mike_Frentz: EEIPRRT D1 PRET.IER +78 130
#note Or PERI(P)TER. I think this is slightly better on defense?
>Jackson_Smylie: ?EEFLNU 1D .ENsEFUL +86 222
>Jackson_Smylie: ?EEFLNU -- -86 136
#note Surprised to see this, honestly.
>Mike_Frentz: AACEGMS 1A CAM. +30 160
#note Turns out that, after MAG C7, Jackson has no bingos anywhere. I just kinda assumed he'd take something lower-scoring, but I should've worked out what that actually was and done something about it.
>Jackson_Smylie: ?EEFLNU C7 NEEdFUL +77 213
>Mike_Frentz: AEGISTU 7F GA. +25 185
>Jackson_Smylie: EINOSTW 2B WO.T +28 241
>Mike_Frentz: ADEISTU 1A ....IEST +44 229
#note Right idea, but CAMPUSED is a little better.
>Jackson_Smylie: EOW M2 OWE +29 270
>Mike_Frentz: ADHOSSU 2B ....H +32 261
#note HOD 1M wins the sim. Probably worth it to open a new line.
>Jackson_Smylie: ADL 3A LAD. +28 298
>Mike_Frentz: ADOSSTU N1 DOTS +30 291
#note Or DOT or STUD in this corner.
>Jackson_Smylie: EINTY A3 .ENITY +30 328
>Mike_Frentz: AFIOOSU O1 OF +33 324
>Jackson_Smylie: ABHS 14A BASH +28 356
#note Oh yeah, that hook that's been sitting there forever. Not that I could've done anything particularly spectacular with it. (I would've tried it if I needed it.)
>Mike_Frentz: AEINOSU 15A AI +20 344
#note I must've had some reason for prefering this over OI, but I can't remember what it was.
>Jackson_Smylie: EJX 12A JE.X +52 408
>Mike_Frentz: ENOQRSU 10H SUQ +39 383
#note EQUES M6 seems to give better winning chances, though I'm not entirely sure why. This seems fine.
>Jackson_Smylie: OY 15D OY +12 420
>Mike_Frentz: EGNNOOR 7M NOG +8 391
>Jackson_Smylie: ?CDEINN O7 .EoDIC +36 456
>Mike_Frentz: ENOR - +0 391
#note I don't have much in the way of spread at this point, so I'm willing to sacrifice 20-something points on the off chance this is phony.
>Jackson_Smylie: NN 6A .N +4 460
>Mike_Frentz: ENOR 11C .E.R +16 407
#note Oh right, RENO is good now.
>Jackson_Smylie: N 5J N. +4 464
#note (Neither of us were sure of INARGUABLE!)
>Jackson_Smylie: (NO) +4 468