Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Stan_Miranda Stan Miranda
#player2 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
>Stan_Miranda: ADEIU 8H ADIEU +14 14
#note 2024 Word Cup, Round 4.
>Mike_Frentz: ACEIIOU I7 A.IEU +8 8
#note AUDIO is better, but this was too fun to pass up.
>Stan_Miranda: HHT H7 H.TH +22 36
>Mike_Frentz: BCEFIOO K5 OBO. +12 20
>Stan_Miranda: ?AENNOY M2 ANYONEs +76 112
>Stan_Miranda: ?AENNOY -- -76 36
#note I challenged word and hook here, not quite remembering if ADIEU took the S (it didn't used to, but now does).
>Mike_Frentz: CEFILSU L2 CUIF +23 43
>Stan_Miranda: ?AENNOY 2L .ONY +18 54
>Mike_Frentz: AELSTTT G1 TATTLES +66 109
#note Of course, now I've confused myself about whether ADIEU takes an S! Decided to play it safe(??).
>Stan_Miranda: AEX H1 AXE +47 101
>Mike_Frentz: AEJMORV 1M JAM +68 177
>Stan_Miranda: ?DEIINO 12C IODINEs +72 173
#note You would think, after all of that setup, that I would have challenged the S hook again. You'd be wrong, though now I'm annoyed ay myself.
>Mike_Frentz: AEENORV 3K R.E +26 203
#note OVEREATEN! Didn't even look for it. Also fixated too much on the OVER leave--if I'm going to play here it should be ROUE. But yeah. That's two misses (counting MOLTENS* last game as #1).
>Stan_Miranda: AZ F2 ZA +73 246
#note Duly punished, once again.
>Mike_Frentz: AEENOUV 5C UVEA. +16 219
#note Or OVULE.
>Stan_Miranda: ENNP 3B PENN... +18 264
>Mike_Frentz: AEINOQR E10 QA.I +28 247
#note Given that AEQUORIN got blocked, I need to start throwing open some space.
>Stan_Miranda: W 6F W. +26 290
>Mike_Frentz: EEGGNOR 2A GONE +22 269
#note Maybe GORE instead, with so many Rs to draw. (Hold that thought.)
>Stan_Miranda: FLL L7 F.LL +12 302
>Mike_Frentz: EGIIRTY 11K GYRI +27 296
>Stan_Miranda: GISV 14B VIGS +31 333
>Mike_Frentz: DEIOSTW 1B TOW +28 324
>Stan_Miranda: BL 11D L.B +11 344
#note Alright, what do you do here?
>Mike_Frentz: ADEIOPS B1 ...E +6 330
#note So. Quackle can go jump in a lake for this one. Plays like DA or DO at I3 (the sim's top choice), or anything that interferes with the right side, leave either zero or one lanes open. Maybe I can win without a bingo, but after playing off two consonants rather than exchanging, I think Stan's close to a bingo here. But here's the thing about this seemingly-suicidal play: I WANT him to bingo on the A column--provided, of course, I hit my draw. What was I saying earlier about so many Rs in the pool?
>Stan_Miranda: ?ENRRST A4 RETuRNS +74 418
>Mike_Frentz: ADIOPRS O1 ..RIAPODS +104 434
#note BAM! I take no shame in the fist-pump after the challenge came back good. After any other play, Stan just bingos through the I and I'm dead. This is when I started to believe.
>Mike_Frentz: (CDEKMOR) +32 466