Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah_Walton Noah Walton
#player2 ken_Rubin ken Rubin
>Noah_Walton: AAJNOWX H3 AJOWAN +48 48
#note Placed this, then wondered if I should play JAWAN (which I was thinking doesn't take the S - it does, I was probably confused with JOMON) instead - may have taken it back briefly.
>ken_Rubin: ALNOTUU 4H .UNTO +24 24
>Noah_Walton: ABCORRX 3E BOR.X +40 88
>ken_Rubin: AEGLORU 4C GUAR +16 40
#note Missed K2 OUTGLARE for 68 points
>Noah_Walton: AACFINR 2D CAF +35 123
>ken_Rubin: EEELMOP G5 POME +29 69
>Noah_Walton: ADGINRR F6 RAD +23 146
>ken_Rubin: ?AEEELT I8 ELEvATE +63 132
#note Missed C3 EGLATERE for 68 points. It's clearly better because it scores more points and is more defensive
>Noah_Walton: AGIIINR F6 ...II +8 154
>ken_Rubin: ?BDENTU 15C BlUNTED +85 217
>Noah_Walton: ACGINOR C13 CO. +14 168
>ken_Rubin: EEGIOST 3K EGO +13 230
>Noah_Walton: AAGINNR 14G AN.ARING +76 244
>ken_Rubin: EIORSTZ H12 ZI.. +46 276
>Noah_Walton: AEILQSW 13L QI +37 281
>ken_Rubin: EHNORST N3 SHORTEN +67 343
>Noah_Walton: AEEELSW O5 EEEW +42 323
>ken_Rubin: DELRTUY M8 DULY +19 362
>Noah_Walton: AEIKLMS 15L SKIM +56 379
#note Actual rack, which we discussed a bit after the game. I eventually found REFILLS, which he liked. I kind of liked FIT 13G myself, and we also discussed IF J9. I don't think either of us saw ABAFT, which also looks good.
>ken_Rubin: EFILRST 5A FLITS +33 395
#note This was a challenging turn. Although risky on some level, I liked the idea of playing long with FLITS 5A for 33 given the situation: 1) I feel like I need to score points now; 2) I think I'm going to need to outscore Noah in the endgame, so I want to increase my chances of drawing 1-2 remaining power tiles from the bag; 3) By leaving 2 tiles in the bag, I'm pretty much assuring that Noah will empty the bag, which will give me the chance to go out in 2, assuming he doesn't bingo through the F or L -- in which case the game is over; 4) Noah had to play SKIM last turn for all the points which I inferred meant he wasn't rack balancing. That doesn't mean he had a bad leave, but I thought it was at least less likely that he was keeping bingo tiles, making the likelihood that he bingoed through the F less likely than it might otherwise be -- albeit more likely than whatever probability the sim assigned assumign random tiles.

As Noah wrote in his notes, I also liked REFILLS 10H for 33 which he identified in the immediate postmortem. It accomplishes something similar to FLITS without opening up the triple line. Other good options include IF J9 for 28 and FIT 13G for 20.
>Noah_Walton: AEILPST A5 .LEAPITS +92 471
>ken_Rubin: DEHIRVY E10 HIVE +25 420
>Noah_Walton: OV K2 V..O +14 485
>Noah_Walton: (DRY) +14 499
#note Mistracked him - it looked like I had EIUDVRY written down for his final rack.
Player 2
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