Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Michael_Fagen Michael Fagen
#player2 Noah Noah
>Michael_Fagen: BEOO 8H OBOE +12 12
>Noah: DEIPTYY 9F TYPY +35 35
>Michael_Fagen: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 12
>Noah: DEIINRW K5 WID.NER +44 79
>Michael_Fagen: CDEITTU L1 CUTIE +25 37
#note Michael told me after the game that he also considered CUTTED* here, which neither of us was sure about.
>Noah: AEEIJMR 2J JE. +26 105
#note Put down JAM before changing to this. Sim likes JEE a lot better, which is aggro given my lead, but does make sense given the leave.
>Michael_Fagen: HMU 1L .HUM +33 70
>Noah: AEEILMR 11D REMAILE. +70 175
>Michael_Fagen: ?DEGOTT M5 TOGaTED +67 137
>Noah: AEEGOOR 10F OE +17 192
>Michael_Fagen: INOV 3G VINO +21 158
>Noah: AAAEGOR D8 AGO.A +14 206
#note Also considered AGORAE. Sim likes this by a bit.
>Michael_Fagen: CNOS H11 .CONS +30 188
>Noah: ?AEPRRW 15A PREWARn. +98 304
>Michael_Fagen: AADZ H1 ZA.DA +51 239
>Noah: AEKLNOQ 6J Q. +31 335
>Michael_Fagen: GNRST 10J R.N.G +16 255
>Michael_Fagen: GNRST -- -16 239
>Noah: AEKLNOU N6 KOLA +40 375
#note Looks like I missed WETA. Might be better off doing OAK N4 or KOA N6. I mainly considered LEUKON as an alternative, and even put it down for a bit.
>Michael_Fagen: GNRST 10J R.N.ST +25 264
>Noah: AEFIINU O8 EN.IA +27 402
#note Maybe UNIFIER or UNFAIR. I think I just saw FAINER, of plays to the R.
>Michael_Fagen: DGILLNR 13G L.RDLING +74 338
>Noah: EEFISTU 6D FETUS +26 428
#note Not sure if this was a good choice.
>Michael_Fagen: ABFISUV C12 FIV. +25 363
#note He put down AV(A) here for a bit. FUBS 13A looks like the play.
>Noah: EHIIX 8A IXI. +33 461
>Michael_Fagen: ABSU E2 ABUS. +14 377
>Michael_Fagen: (EH) +10 387
Player 2
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