Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Michael_Early Michael Early
>Noah: FGIOORS 8D FORGO +26 26
>Michael_Early: DEELTT I6 LETTED +19 19
>Noah: EGIINSY H11 EYING +42 68
>Michael_Early: IVW 11E WIV.. +24 43
>Noah: EIJNOSX 10E OX +55 123
>Michael_Early: ?ACDIPS 14G I.SCAPeD +86 129
>Michael_Early: ?ACDIPS -- -86 43
#note He thought he goofed here by not playing CAPSIDIN*
>Noah: EIJNSSU 14F JU. +26 149
>Michael_Early: ?ACDIPS 6E DISP.ACe +66 109
>Noah: EEINNSS K4 IN.ENSES +90 239
#note Didn't think of the anagram, this is probably fine.
>Michael_Early: IQ 5D QI +28 137
>Noah: AEEMNRR M3 REARM +33 272
>Michael_Early: CPR 4I PR.C. +18 155
>Noah: AEEFNOU L10 FOU +19 291
>Michael_Early: EGHIILN 15H .INGHELI +101 256
>Michael_Early: EGHIILN -- -101 155
>Noah: AEELNNO 15E LON.E +17 308
#note Didn't give this much thought, maybe I can do something taking advantage of my knowledge of his rack, but I don't know what.
>Michael_Early: EGHIILN 12A HINGE +32 187
>Noah: AAENOTW A11 W.EAT +33 341
>Michael_Early: ADEIILS N6 SEDILIA +82 269
#note Held and released (wasn't sure of DISPLACER).
>Noah: AAALNOU O12 ANOA +18 359
>Michael_Early: AY G4 YA. +6 275
>Noah: ?AKLTUZ 13G T.Z +27 386
#note Hm, not great, missed KANZU.
>Michael_Early: ABEORTU 3A OUTBEAR +78 353
>Michael_Early: ABEORTU -- -78 275
>Noah: ?ADKLMU O7 MAD +37 423
#note Yuck! Missed MUDLArK I guess.
>Michael_Early: ABEORTU 7A TUBE +14 289
#note He placed the B at 7A first, which would've given me BUCKWHEAT.
>Noah: ?HKLOTU 8A OH +26 449
#note Hm, not sure I saw KLU(T)z, which is probably better.
>Michael_Early: ABEIORV 3C AIVER +26 315
>Noah: ?KLRTU 2A pULK +22 471
#note Should be blocking BO here.
>Michael_Early: BO - +0 315
#note Challenge.
>Noah: RT 7H R.T. +11 482
>Noah: (BO) +8 490
Player 2
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