Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Bob_Linn Bob Linn
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Bob_Linn: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEIIPTU 9F AITU +20 20
>Bob_Linn: ?AEINRT 10D cRINATE +81 103
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EIINPYY 7H PYIN +19 39
>Bob_Linn: ENPT 6J PENT +24 127
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEIIRWY 5K WAI +28 67
>Bob_Linn: DNORW 8K DROWN +38 165
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EFILRUY 4L FLEY +43 110
>Bob_Linn: GLU O1 UGL. +24 189
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BIMORUU D10 .URIUM +20 130
#note not sure i considered UMBO 11I, but it looks better for the long term health of this board. Ideally I want to play through the C to break the staircase, rather than down from it.
>Bob_Linn: ACEEHIR 15A CHI.ERA +42 231
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?BDJOST H12 JOBS +108 238
>Bob_Linn: AKO I12 OKA +36 267
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?DDELNT J12 LED +35 273
>Bob_Linn: ACEGR B10 CREAG. +36 303
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?ADEENT O8 .EATENeD +77 350
#note dont think i can afford the sacrifice at this score, but i strongly considered retained to nix the Z hotspot
>Bob_Linn: BIV 12L VIB. +18 321
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DELMOOS N8 .EM +26 376
#note Z spot needs to go, but N6 SOWED looks great. I still need to outrun A12 ZA. Pretty big mistake.
>Bob_Linn: TX M11 T.X +20 341
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADLOOST L12 .OLT +17 393
#note Nah, This is weak. DO/CRINATED for a more workable leave, or ODA A11 to at least start to block up the Z.
>Bob_Linn: HO 2M HO. +14 355
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADNOSSZ 1L DO +10 403
#note Apparently 1J DONS always outruns bingos so i am supposed to do that
>Bob_Linn: EFOR 1H FORE.. +30 385
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AGNOSSZ A12 ZA +44 447
>Bob_Linn: AEEISV N12 .EE +23 408
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: GNOSS H1 .OGS +9 456
#note n4 ESS is 2 better
>Bob_Linn: AISV 4D VISA. +16 424
>Bob_Linn: (NS) +4 428
Player 2
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