Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Alec_Sjoholm Alec Sjoholm
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Alec_Sjoholm: AZ 8G ZA +22 22
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CEGJNRT 9F JET +25 25
>Alec_Sjoholm: AEGNRRS I5 RANGERS +85 107
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ACGNRUY 4I GAUCY +32 57
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ENNORTY (challenge) +5 62
#note J6 YU sims even. Meh...
>Alec_Sjoholm: AEELL 10D LEALE. +34 141
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ENNORTY 11D ONY +31 93
>Alec_Sjoholm: EHIOPRS M3 P.ROHIES +92 233
>Alec_Sjoholm: DEFN (challenge) +5 238
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DEINRRT 8L D.RT +21 114
#note Gave no though tto 12A plays which serve similar purposes. Sim is close
>Alec_Sjoholm: DEFN 12A FEND +32 270
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEINORT O8 .ENORITE +77 191
>Alec_Sjoholm: IQ N13 QI +37 307
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ABINOUX J6 XU +52 243
>Alec_Sjoholm: MOW N6 WO.M +40 347
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?ABINOW A12 .AWN +30 273
#note I wasnt really sure what to do here. I feel like I need a -NE bingo at 15H to win this game, so burning my N while also placing awkward tiles on the 14/15 rows might not be wise. I think I need to take a lower score and force the issue. Something like WAX or COW to swing for TAILBONE immediately. It's what I need and now is my chance. FAWN is an equity move at a time when equity wont win me the game.
>Alec_Sjoholm: CEMR B10 CR.ME +44 391
#note destroyed
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?BEIIKO O1 BOyKIE +54 327
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?DEIIOS (challenge) +5 332
>Alec_Sjoholm: ALNP 15K PLAN. +20 411
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?DEIIOS 5B IDOlISE. +66 398
>Alec_Sjoholm: DIVV B2 VIV.D +32 443
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ABEFLSU J3 B. +4 402
#note Complicated position. I saw 3 draws to SULFATE, though it was clear to me that SULFATE was likely not going to win unless it was an outbingo. I figured Alec would leave a tile in the bag on his next play, and possibly score low to obstruct lanes, and I might be able to threaten a big enough outbingo to win. So that's why I decided on a fish which opened a new lane. Unlikely I use this lane next turn, since it won't win if there are tiles in the bag. I completely did not consider C12 NUB which is champ player's choice. I think the likely response to NUB is a block on row 14 along the lines of THIO or TATU, but he sometimes does not have the right tiles to obstruct the spot at all. In that case, he simply empties the bag and blocks up top, forcing me to have hit my bingo on my 2-tile fish. And I think it's just SEALIFT and SULFATE that work there. Conversely, BA complicates things for Alec and buys me one more turn to make the most accurate fish possible. I'd like to see if Macondo agrees with NUB or hates BA or suggests something else!
>Alec_Sjoholm: AGI 4B .IGA +26 469
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEFILSU 14A ..E +6 408
#note One of a couple 3/8 winning fishes. Fishing the F at 3C also wins with a T draw. The F fish is better for spread except not actually, since it forces me to accept the phony Alec is about to play.
>Alec_Sjoholm: AHOOTTU 15G AUTO..... +33 502
>Alec_Sjoholm: AHOOTTU -- -33 469
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AFILSTU 15C FISTULA +88 496
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: (AHOOTTU) +20 516
Player 2
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