Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh_Castellano Josh Castellano
#player2 Waseem_Khatri Waseem Khatri
#title Game CSW-F1
#description Game CSW-F1
>Josh_Castellano: ?AAADGQ -AAQG +0 0
>Waseem_Khatri: ACEFIOP 8E FOCI +18 18
>Josh_Castellano: ?ADDENW H7 W.DEbAND +63 63
>Josh_Castellano: CEIKTUY (challenge) +5 68
#note This would be a great play if it didn't take an S. It does. H3 hEADW(I)ND #FINDINGSADDEST
>Waseem_Khatri: AAEIPQT 14F QA.I +34 52
>Josh_Castellano: CEIKTUY E8 .UCK +26 94
#note I severely overestimated the value of EITY. Fuck. #tacticssadder
>Waseem_Khatri: AAEEIPT G7 A.E +17 69
>Josh_Castellano: EEIOSTY 12A YITES +38 132
>Waseem_Khatri: AEEIPST 15E PIES +70 139
>Waseem_Khatri: AEMRTTT (challenge) +5 144
>Josh_Castellano: EEOOPRZ A6 ZOOPER. +63 195
>Waseem_Khatri: AEMRTTT B2 MATTER +35 179
>Josh_Castellano: BEGHNTV C1 VEG +24 219
#note 3A B(A)GH #tacticssad
>Waseem_Khatri: ABGMNRT A1 GAB +29 208
>Josh_Castellano: BEHNTUU D3 HUB +26 245
>Waseem_Khatri: MNORTTX B9 OX +54 262
>Josh_Castellano: DENRTUV C6 DEV +25 270
#note 10G D(E)RV #visionsad
>Waseem_Khatri: AIMNRTT E4 MAT +22 284
>Josh_Castellano: LNRRSTU F3 LUR +13 283
>Waseem_Khatri: IINORTY 1C .IRION +30 314
>Josh_Castellano: ELNRSTW 7F W..L +16 299
>Waseem_Khatri: ANOSTUY 11H .UOYANTS +70 384
>Waseem_Khatri: ANOSTUY -- -70 314
>Josh_Castellano: EIJNRST 12G N.RTJIES +80 379
>Waseem_Khatri: ANOSTUY K10 YO.AN +30 344
>Josh_Castellano: ?AAFGNO J8 OAF +30 409
>Waseem_Khatri: EELNSTU 2H ELUENTS +70 414
>Josh_Castellano: ?AGILNO M2 .rIGONAL +70 479
>Josh_Castellano: (DEHIR) +18 497
Player 2
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