Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh_Castellano Josh Castellano
#player2 Will_Anderson Will Anderson
#title Game CSW24
#description Game CSW24
>Josh_Castellano: AEILORU -OU +0 0
>Will_Anderson: CDELNPT 8D CLEPT +24 24
>Josh_Castellano: ADEILRS E5 DAL.IERS +86 86
>Will_Anderson: DGINOOT F3 GOODI. +24 48
>Josh_Castellano: ?CEIOOV H6 Ou.VOICE +65 151
>Will_Anderson: AEINRST 14B RETINAS +81 129
#note only bingo
>Josh_Castellano: BEHLPRU 12A BUHL. +26 177
>Will_Anderson: BDFKNSV 13G K.F +30 159
>Josh_Castellano: AEGOPRW I5 WOP +19 196
#note This was a complete misread and overreaction to his last play. I thought he had really good stuff, possibly an S. My thinking was that I would force his bingo to open lots of floaters that I could counter bingo with my leave of AEGR. In reality, he's making this play with a lot of different racks since it scores 30 points, including keeping a bunch of consonants which is was actually happened. Even if he does have a strong leave the slight defensive value of this play doesn't warrant the equity sacrifice. The equity play of 15A PEW or D4 GAW is fine here. #strategysaddest
>Will_Anderson: ABDINSV 10B VIB. +17 176
>Josh_Castellano: AAAEGIR 9G A.A +13 209
#note Again, this is another panicky move. Sacrificing 6 points to play this over 13C AA isn't justified since it doesn't significantly reduce his bingo percentage.
>Will_Anderson: ADELNSX 10B ....X +33 209
>Josh_Castellano: AEGIRRU 3F .ARRIGUE +74 283
>Will_Anderson: ADELNSZ 15A ZEDA +53 262
>Josh_Castellano: HMOTUWY H1 WO.M +36 319
#note C3 MOUTHY. #visionsaddest
>Will_Anderson: ELNNNST J2 L.NEN +19 281
>Josh_Castellano: AEHOTUY L1 YO.TH +30 349
#note I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
>Will_Anderson: ENNSTUY C7 NY +19 300
>Josh_Castellano: ADEEMQU C3 QUEE.. +36 385
>Will_Anderson: ENRSSTU 5I ..T.ER +24 324
>Josh_Castellano: ADEMNRT B4 NAM +25 410
#note 1K T(Y)NDE #timesad
>Will_Anderson: ?ENOSSU O1 OUENS +31 355
>Josh_Castellano: ADEIJRT A6 AJI +35 445
>Will_Anderson: ?FGIIST D1 FrIG +41 396
>Josh_Castellano: ADERT 11G T.RADE +14 459
>Josh_Castellano: (IST) +6 465
Player 2
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