Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Tim Tim
>Josh: DDEGHRW 8F DREW +16 16
>Tim: IJN F8 .JIN +14 14
>Josh: ADEGHII 11E A.IGH +18 34
>Tim: AACIR H10 A.ARIC +30 44
>Josh: DEEINNN 12D DINN.E +36 70
>Tim: QTU 14F QU.T +33 77
>Josh: AENOORS 15H .OO +7 77
#note G7 O(R)A #tacticssaddest
>Tim: BIO 15D BOI +19 96
>Josh: AAEENRS G7 E.A +15 92
>Tim: AOP 13C POA +16 112
>Josh: AEELNRS K9 LEANERS +70 162
>Tim: DK 10J K.D +18 130
>Josh: GIIRSUY 8K GYRUS +48 210
#note L8 RI(D)GY #visionsaddest
>Tim: DXY 13J D.XY +30 160
>Josh: ?CIIILT L1 CIvILIT. +80 290
#note O8 (S)pILITIC #knowledgesad
>Tim: EEGINTV O8 .TEEVING +98 258
>Josh: AMMNOTU 1H MOTU.A +30 320
>Tim: OZ N10 ZO +64 322
>Josh: LMNPRST 6J PL.M +14 334
>Tim: EF 12K .EF +38 360
>Josh: ENRSSTW N1 SEWN +25 359
>Tim: LUV 6E LUV +15 375
>Josh: ?EHORST 2C ROTcHES +65 424
#note I ran out of time and played the wrong bingo. #TIMESADDEST
>Tim: AEFRT 1A FRATE +34 409
>Josh: BE 3C BE +21 445
>Josh: (AO) +4 449
Player 2
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