Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Matt Matt
>Josh: AEELORR 8H ORE +6 6
>Matt: AEGNORT 7F NEGATOR +68 68
>Josh: AAEEGLR 8A REGALE +26 32
>Matt: HPU 6I PUH +25 93
>Josh: ABDEINO A1 DEBONAI. +86 118
>Matt: ?FINNRS B7 F.RNINSt +79 172
>Josh: CEEFSWX B2 WEX +49 167
>Matt: OY C3 YO +36 208
>Josh: CEEFJOS 5J JO +41 208
#note 5I SJOE #tacticssadder
>Matt: AEILLNS 12B .AINSELL +68 276
>Josh: CEEFNST L1 FENCE +38 246
#note H11 C(L)EFT #tacticssadder
>Matt: IIMU H11 I.IUM +21 297
>Josh: EGLSTTZ 14G L.TZ +33 279
>Matt: IQ 11D QI +37 334
>Josh: EGOSTTU 9D TOGUE +19 298
>Matt: AOPRTV 3G PROVA.T +32 366
>Josh: HIORSTY N1 HISTORY +93 391
>Matt: DEV H1 DE.V +36 402
>Josh: ?AADDEM O5 DEADMAn +90 481
>Matt: AABCKUW N10 KAWAU +61 463
>Josh: IIST O13 IT +6 487
#note O14 TI #timesad
>Matt: BC 11G B. +8 471
>Josh: IS O1 IS +23 510
>Josh: (C) +6 516
Player 2
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