Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Keller Keller
>Josh: BELORTU 8D BOULTER +74 74
>Keller: JNTY E7 J.NTY +30 30
>Josh: AAINOSW 7I WAI +21 95
#note 7H AW #strategysadder
>Keller: FOT 6I OFT +36 66
>Josh: ?ALNOOS L7 SOLANOs +71 166
>Keller: GHO K10 HOG +26 92
>Josh: DHILNSV I5 V...L +12 178
#note M12 VILD #strategysadder
>Keller: DDEEINR G5 RED.INED +63 155
>Josh: DEHINST 10K ..H +9 187
#note H1 SIDHE. I thought this would bingo enough to be okay. #findingsadder
>Keller: FOX D11 FOX +34 189
>Josh: DEINSTV C12 DEV +35 222
#note C12 DEVI #strategysadder
>Keller: ACLOZ H1 COLZA +84 273
>Josh: AGINPST 15B TAPINGS +97 319
>Keller: AGW B11 GAW +24 297
>Josh: DEEEEIP 3H .EEPED +20 339
>Keller: ?IMSTTU 2B MISTUT.r +73 370
>Josh: EEIIORR 4K IRE +17 356
#note I needed to be fearless and play 4J RORIE. #strategysad
>Keller: ACIIN N10 ACINI +30 400
>Josh: EIIORUY O13 YOU +25 381
>Keller: QSU 1A SUQ +51 451
>Josh: ABEEIIR 10E .I.E +6 387
#note Going for 1H (C)ARABINE and hoping he misses it.
>Keller: AAKMR A7 KARMA +36 487
>Josh: ABEEIRR B6 BARE +22 409
#note B4 REBAR #timesaddest
>Keller: EN 3B EN +33 520
>Keller: (EIR) +6 526
Player 2
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