Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Edwin_Roth Edwin Roth
>Jonathan_Lindh: GIIIOSS -GIIO +0 0
>Edwin_Roth: ELOTV 8D VOLTE +24 24
>Jonathan_Lindh: HILNPSS I8 SHIP +22 22
>Edwin_Roth: AQRU H4 QUAR. +24 48
>Jonathan_Lindh: CELNNST 5G N.NCLE +16 38
>Edwin_Roth: ENORW H11 OWNER +40 88
>Jonathan_Lindh: AENNSTT 3B TENANTS +81 119
#note Best.
>Edwin_Roth: AAIM 2B AMIA +24 112
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEHRTW L3 AW.ATHER +86 205
#note Best.
>Edwin_Roth: EZ D1 Z..E +46 158
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEEILP 5D BE +24 229
>Edwin_Roth: EIV 8L .IVE +30 188
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEIIJLY N6 JI.EY +42 271
>Edwin_Roth: DDIOTY O10 ODDITY +44 232
>Jonathan_Lindh: CDLLPSU 14G C.LL +8 279
#note Too defensive. Didn't see 10F PUDIC/LUDIC in the 10 row hooking D(OWNER).
>Edwin_Roth: AFX M1 FAX +44 276
>Jonathan_Lindh: DFGOPSU 1J POU.FS +45 324
#note Best.
>Edwin_Roth: IKO 2I KOI +17 293
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ADDGIS J10 DAG +21 345
>Edwin_Roth: GIR 12L GRI. +12 305
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DEIMST E7 M.DISTEs +70 415
#note All of the best bingos are 70.
>Edwin_Roth: ?ER 1A pRE. +44 349
>Jonathan_Lindh: BGNORUU 12A BRUN. +20 435
#note D13 NU for 5 starts the best endgame. That makes sense since it gets up NUG.
>Edwin_Roth: AEIOO B10 OO.IE +14 363
#note 14G CELLA for 7 to block my out.
>Jonathan_Lindh: GOU 14L GOU. +10 445
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (A) +2 447
Player 2
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