Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joel_Horn Joel Horn
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Joel_Horn: ACFLORU 8D CARFUL +28 28
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEGMTU F6 DU.AG +15 15
#note Seems fine. Very defensive and gives little back to Joel. I like it. I played quite a few new words this tournament.
>Joel_Horn: HILOT E2 LITHO +19 47
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEIIMNT 2A TIME.INE +74 89
#note Best.
>Joel_Horn: ?HRSSTT 1H THiRSTS +86 133
#note Joel was bingoing no matter what. STRATHS is a new one for me.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABENPWY 1A AB +22 111
#note Missed N1 SAWNEY for 40. Too focused on the A1 spot. Sure SAWNEY gives a lot back but the board has a ton of scoring spots as it is. AB is about a 9 point mistake.
>Joel_Horn: JO 4C JO. +20 153
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEINPWY N1 .PENDY +40 151
#note I missed N1 SINEWY for 40. SPENDY is 2nd. Another 9 point mistake.
>Joel_Horn: EOYZ O6 OYEZ +53 206
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIINRW 9M WI. +19 170
#note Seems fine. SINEWY still would have given back OYEZ. However, if I drew the same tiles I would have UNREPAID/UNPAIRED to the U for a boatload of points.
>Joel_Horn: BLW 3L BL.W +18 224
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEIINR H8 .REDINIA +80 250
#note Best.
>Joel_Horn: EF 10M EF +31 255
>Jonathan_Lindh: EENNORU 13C NEURO.E +18 268
#note Hard position here. I went for raw tile turnover. Quackle likes playing fewer tiles and favors 4K NEON for 18. Quackle thinks my play is about 5 points back or so.
>Joel_Horn: DEGINST 14G D.NGIEST +83 338
#note Best. Then this happens.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEINOOV 4H OVINE +26 294
#note I did not see C2 MOJO for 26. MOJO creates another line, but OVINE goes for turnover for the blank and takes out an easy scoring spot. Quackle has them almost identical in valuation and win % so OVINE was a very reasonable play.
>Joel_Horn: CKO L11 COK. +20 358
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AAELOQ E11 AQ.A +26 320
#note I drew the blank and took note of the unseen tiles. There was one unseen E and one unseen S. I saw AQUA as an opportunity to score and set up a sneaky spot while Joel might be more focused on bingo defense.
>Joel_Horn: AGIPV C9 VAPI.G +16 374
#note Joel wisely killed the spot I created with AQUA. VAPING is much better than PAVING because PAVING takes an S and VAPING doesn't. VAPINGS# is Collins only.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ELORRU 15L dOER +23 343
#note I thought I was cutting spread here, but I never saw one insane possibility. If the X is in the bag, Joel has A6 STOM(OD)AEA on tap to go out! Quackle likes blocking this possbility with I6 RULER for 12. In almost all human games, dOER seems fine to score and block X plays at the bottom right.
>Joel_Horn: AAEMOTX 8K AXE +24 398
#note AXE is best because it blocks my best outs while scoring.
>Jonathan_Lindh: LRSU 12K L.URS +6 349
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (MOTA) +12 361
#note Final score recorded as 398-359 because I underscored NEURONE by 2 points.
Player 2
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