Player 1 |
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 David_Postal David Postal
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGIIOPW 8G WIG +14 14
#note Best.
>David_Postal: EISZ F8 SIZE +41 41
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEEIOOP 12C POOD +29 43
#note Close. I think I should have shed another vowel with POOED for 31 in the same spot.
>David_Postal: HX 11E H.X +36 77
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEEIRUV 13B VIED +33 76
#note Very close again. Should have done VIDE in the same spot. I just saw VIED. Quackle likes VIDE over VIED by about 4 points. VIED is 2nd.
>David_Postal: ??EJSTU A9 JUSTicE +97 174
#note Even if I played VIDE, David is still getting 89 points for this word in column J. Also, JUSTICE made this game noteworthy as you will you see.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEORTTU 10F .ERO +22 98
#note I missed F5 OUTSIZED for 20. Was not looking there. That's a more substantial error than VIDE vs VIED.
>David_Postal: IMS A6 MIS....... +51 225
>David_Postal: IMS -- -51 174
#note I immediately held. What made this challenge tricky was I heard of people using MISJUSTICE* in a sentence and it even appears quite a bit in Google, but it's still not in NWL or Collins. I calculated if this were good, David would put the game out of reach given my rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEPTTUW 11I WEPT +23 121
#note By far the best play. WEPT is even better knowing David is keeping an S.
>David_Postal: EFI 12J FIE +25 199
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEILTUY 13H CUTELY +38 159
#note Once again, by far the best play.
>David_Postal: HO B10 HO +28 227
>Jonathan_Lindh: IINQRSU J6 QIS +41 200
#note I missed I1 SQUIRING for 70 here. SQUIRING gives back a lot, but I still think I need to play it. I also did not see INJUSTICE until the next turn. Quackle doesn't think there is that much difference between SQUIRING and INJUSTICE, but thinks QIS is a moderate error like missing OUTSIZED was. I agree.
>David_Postal: EL H13 .EL +15 242
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEINRU A7 IN....... +42 242
#note Now I see INJUSTICE. INJUSTICE is by far the best play.
>David_Postal: DIM K5 MID +26 268
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAABERU 4J BAA +17 259
#note Tunnelled on the ACUTELY spot. G13 ABA for 25 is probably best, although the MID spot seems pretty dangeroud with all of the A's out. Quackle thinks my play is about 3rd best.
>David_Postal: CY L3 C.Y +15 283
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAAENRU B4 RUANA +11 270
#note Once again missing G13 AA for 18 because of not focusing on ACUTELY.
>David_Postal: AFOR A1 AFRO +27 310
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEELMNR C2 AMEN +17 287
#note Need to shift AMEN down a few spaces.
>David_Postal: BIOS D1 BIOS +32 342
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAELNOR 3L .OAL +12 299
#note Decide to open a triple triple here. There are still a bunch of potential triple triples lurking in the pool despite the lack of S's.
>David_Postal: AGGU O1 GU.AG +24 366
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEENRT 1D .ANTERED +83 382
#note Best. BANTERED is about 2 in 3 to win now. Had David blocked the B, I think I would have passed on 15E ANTLERED for 61 and fished off the D. V and N draws hit bingos in two places.
>David_Postal: EIKLRRT 2A .L..R +18 384
#note 15E RILL for 4 is apparently best here. FLAIR ties. What would have tied for me?
>Jonathan_Lindh: NNOTV 14F OV.N +11 393
#note Oof. I spotted VET when looking at this game at the airport on my phone. VET blocks KILTER and KIRTLE while setting up H5 NONI AND C9 NONI for an out. David has to find L8 KITTEL for 15 to tie. OVEN is 2nd best.
>David_Postal: EIKRT 15D KIR +14 398
#note KIR and IRK in the same spot are best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: NT 2N N. +8 401
#note Never saw C2 AMENT for 9. That's 1 point better than my play.
>David_Postal: ET G6 TE. +7 405
#note There are 2 11 point outs but TEW also wins.
>David_Postal: (T) +2 407