Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Terry_Kang Terry Kang
#player2 Niel_Gan Niel Gan
>Terry_Kang: II -II +0 0
>Niel_Gan: ?ACMQUY 8D QUAlMY +58 58
#note Didn't know QUAcKY, but that's better. QUAY and QUAlMY end up pretty similar, just flipping scores.
>Terry_Kang: EO 9H OE +13 13
>Niel_Gan: BCEGNPV F7 V.NG +12 70
#note VEG if playing, otherwise might be a tad better to exchange.
>Terry_Kang: AEHRSST 11C TRASHES +79 92
>Niel_Gan: BCDEINP 7I BICEP +28 98
>Terry_Kang: AELT 8L TAEL +22 114
>Niel_Gan: CDEIJNS 9B DJIN. +34 132
#note Underscored by 6
>Terry_Kang: AGY 9K GAY +26 140
>Niel_Gan: CEIKORS J6 K. +16 148
#note Seems best.
>Terry_Kang: LOT 10J LOT +12 152
>Niel_Gan: CEIIORS K3 CIRO. +24 172
#note Not a word. Much better to fish again with 10B IO.
>Terry_Kang: LOV 4J V.OL +14 166
>Niel_Gan: ADEILRS 12H DIALERS +77 249
>Terry_Kang: AEINPST 13B PANTIES +74 240
>Niel_Gan: AEFIINO 14C NAIF +34 283
#note IO still best. I didn't like this play and should've taken ~20 elsewhere, equity is not the thing here.
>Terry_Kang: AIMOU N2 MIAOU +26 266
>Niel_Gan: DEIIORR 15A RIDE +26 309
#note Sims best by a few %, reduces oppo average by a good amount.
>Terry_Kang: EFUZ 15F FUZE +57 323
>Niel_Gan: BEIOORR J14 BE +27 336
#note Think I had to do BIO/BOO here. Overreacting to blank out while I need to be on moderate offense.
>Terry_Kang: EHN O1 HEN +24 347
>Niel_Gan: DGIOORR 10A GIO +21 357
>Terry_Kang: AEX 13K AXE +35 382
>Niel_Gan: DENORRU 14J .ROND +32 389
>Terry_Kang: ?OTTWW 15M TOW +25 407
>Niel_Gan: ERU O8 .URE +4 393
#note RU(L)E 2 better, sloppy. I was underscoring by 8 at this point, but that still loses by 2 in actuality.
>Niel_Gan: (TW?) +10 403
Player 2
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