Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
#player2 Cornelia_Guest Cornelia Guest
>Samuel_Kaplan: EHNORRT 8C THRONE +26 26
#note Not only did I chicken out of NORTHER, HORRENT was missed. HORRENT is the play because of NORTHERS. #findingsad
>Cornelia_Guest: GGSUV I4 VUGGS +22 22
>Samuel_Kaplan: ANRRRUY D8 .URRY +22 48
#note I did see the DETHRONES and INTHRONES extensions, but apparently not UNTHRONES. It's still barely worth it over addressing my R problem. I chose this over HURRAY for a more balanced leave and not giving her an easy S hook to work with.
>Cornelia_Guest: INO 4I .INO +14 36
#note She could have played INTHRONES herself.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ADINNRS F3 ANDIR.NS +63 111
#note 6C DARNINGS for 1 more. #findingsmall
>Cornelia_Guest: CIPU 5B CUPI. +20 56
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEEEJMP 3K AJEE +33 144
#note Wasn't comfortable doing 3L JEE even with a P just because it can still be addressed easily and I'm ahead. I'm fine with my play and the sim is too.
>Cornelia_Guest: EEV D2 VEE. +18 74
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEFFMPW 5L WAFF +26 170
#note Yea, I didn't like 2H WAFF with how much that gives back to Cornelia. 1 point is fine to give up to not let her back in this one as easily.
>Cornelia_Guest: AGN O5 .ANG +24 98
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEEHIMP B2 PEA.H +40 210
#note Looks like the clear best play.
>Cornelia_Guest: WY 11C W.Y +18 116
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEEIMRT A6 EMBER +32 242
#note Looks fine to outrun while ahead and go for the 2 unseen blanks. I didn't see 10B BE(R)M(S) but the only 7s I can really see playing on this board after BERMS are ones on Column N which require me to have an A. That's probably why this sims a little ahead of BERMS and A6 EMIT (because I'm scoring 9 less there). This has the added benefit of taking out the THRONES extensions for easy points for her.
>Cornelia_Guest: DL H8 .LD +4 120
#note I think she's got an S now.
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEIILOT A1 LOB +23 265
#note Probably just 6L LI is fine. I really should focus on my I issues knowing it was hard to stop Cornelia from potentially bingoing next turn. G8 (N)IOBITE cleans up my rack nicely but with an S inferred it helps her a lot more than it helps me at this score. #strategymedium
>Cornelia_Guest: ?ARSSTT 11H STRAiTS +67 187
#note N8 ARTiSTS scores 2 more for her.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEIIILT N9 DI.TIL +18 283
>Cornelia_Guest: Q 13M Q. +22 209
>Samuel_Kaplan: ADEIIOU 14J AUDI.E +20 303
#note How am I avoiding all those consonants? At least it's not a pretty unseen pool which I sort of need to see when I'm ahead. This, B11 AUDIO, or or even J10 URAEI are all fine.
>Cornelia_Guest: EEZ 15H ZEE +38 247
>Samuel_Kaplan: AIIOOTX 13H AIT +7 310
#note I think I played this turn too scared. It's harder for her to bingo on Row 13 than it looks. Looks like a significant strategical oversight because G2 OXO will outrun just fine.
>Cornelia_Guest: OO C11 .OO +17 264
>Samuel_Kaplan: EIKNOOX B13 NIX +22 332
#note There are less possible bingoes for her to hit than I thought. I apparently cannot win more than 5/8 of the time with things like G2 OXO or M7 KOI. M7 KOI at least retains the X for another score the following turn, but G2 OXO scores 34 and she can only really bingo out with vOLTAIC with an M draw, TeLOMIC with an A draw, or OILCAMp with a T draw. Another play that wasn't great because now she can hit me hard in the bottom left corner.
>Cornelia_Guest: ?AILMOT A13 OMA +49 313
#note I'm fortunate she doesn't have any wins here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: CEKOO L7 COOK.E +24 356
#note I totally fell apart with the draws and with the plays in the end of this game. I also should have seen HORRENT even with being unsure of NORTHER. Definitely not my best game. 3-1 +234.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (ILT?) +6 362
Player 2
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