Player 1 |
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#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Mack_Meller Mack Meller
>Ryan_Fischer: CENORUW 8D CROWN +26 26
#note Sim likes COW or COWER. I'd prefer COW before exposing the DLS. This is 3rd, but not that far back.
>Mack_Meller: ?AADEMT D7 A.ETAMiD +74 74
#note Best, despite the E hook, which he may not know that I know.
>Ryan_Fischer: DEEJNUV 15C VENDUE +47 73
#note But I do know. :) This is best by far despite leaving the J.
>Mack_Meller: FIKN C4 FINK +27 101
>Ryan_Fischer: ?DJOSYZ 11C J.Y +26 99
#note The J sucks so bad I wanted to get rid of it first, but the sim likes 14H DOZY 40. The D and S clash, so JS? may be a bit better for that reason.
>Mack_Meller: OY 10D .OY +19 120
>Ryan_Fischer: ?DDIOSZ F6 ZO. +32 131
#note I had DIS(CROWN) and didn't know it. Mack later said he was trying to go for it at one point.
>Mack_Meller: EHIISST 4C .ISHIEST +80 200
>Ryan_Fischer: ?DDGISU J3 S.UDDInG +68 199
#note And DIS(CROWN) is better than the bingo here, too.
>Mack_Meller: AEPU 3G PAU.E +23 223
>Ryan_Fischer: ACILTTX 14H TIX +28 227
#note TAX(i)TIC is like .5 better.
>Mack_Meller: AAEFILR L1 FERIAL +34 257
#note He said I blocked FILARIAE.
>Ryan_Fischer: AACLMNT 1J CA.TAN +33 260
#note Missed CLAMANT for 84. GG. I saw CLAIMANT. (didn't remember CALAMINT though). C11 (J)AM is good too. Or MANTA.
>Mack_Meller: AGLNOPU 13H UPALONG +95 352
#note Ow.
>Ryan_Fischer: BEILMNR M5 NIMBLER +69 329
>Mack_Meller: AIR 8L A.RI +21 373
>Ryan_Fischer: BEEIORT 12J REB +30 359
#note Champ says C11 (J)OB 34.
>Mack_Meller: OW N8 .OW +29 402
>Ryan_Fischer: EEILOOT C11 .OT +26 385
#note Champ says 12A TOO(M) 16.
>Mack_Meller: EEHOR F6 ...E. +17 419
#note This sets up (W)HORE, as would happen.
>Ryan_Fischer: EEILOTV O5 VEL.TE +18 403
>Ryan_Fischer: EEILOTV -- -18 385
#note No wins. But Mack said after the game I should consider going for SEV off of UPALONG (granted I'm sure it takes the S -- which I was not). Instead I played the phony, because he knew VELITES has a sticky S -- and I did not.
>Mack_Meller: AEGHORS G8 .HORE +31 450
#note E2 GA(S)H sets up EROS, I'm guessing. We overscored this by 1.
>Ryan_Fischer: EEILOTV O6 EV.TE +17 402
#note Champ says E(S)T, blocking his Q, setting up OLIVE to go out.
>Mack_Meller: AGQS 5B Q.S +14 464
>Ryan_Fischer: ILO B7 OIL +10 412
#note OIL down low is 4 more.
>Ryan_Fischer: (AG) +6 418