Player 1 |
#player1 Jeff_Fiszbein Jeff Fiszbein
#player2 Jason Jason
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ACGTTU 8D CATGUT +24 24
>Jason: ABDIOUY E7 B.YOU +20 20
#note Didn't know CUBOID or OUTBY, which lead sim. (-4)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AX F8 .AX +56 80
>Jason: ADEEFII 10E ..IDE +13 33
#note Or D(OX)IE. Quite the inauspicious start. (-2)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: INP D11 NIP +12 92
#note Surprised (and grateful) he didn't pick the 11I placement.
>Jason: AAEEFIN H10 .EFINE +42 75
>Jeff_Fiszbein: IRTZ 12H .RITZ +34 126
>Jason: ?AAGLNU 15A ANGULAt. +77 152
#note LANGUAg(E) doubles the G. (-4)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EEGHPST 14E EH +28 154
#note Jeff's exact rack, I believe. He put this down, picked it up saying "it's such a crappy leave", but decided on it anyway.
>Jason: EHMNRSW 9I HEWN +24 176
#note Missed SW(I)M/(OXIDE)S. (-2)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EGIPRST L3 PRESTI.G +74 228
#note As Jeff put this down, I was stunned. "What was this 'crappy leave' talk?" I asked myself. "GRIPT? Did he draw ES?" By the time I'd thought to hold, my opportunity had past. My only other half-@$$ed defense for letting the phony go is that this is good in Collins. Bad mental error ... is in my prob range and an easy challenge if my brain is working properly.
>Jason: KMOORRS K2 ROOM +26 202
#note Or MOOR.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ITW M1 WIT +22 250
>Jason: DEJKORS 1M .OK +30 232
>Jeff_Fiszbein: FLO 13A FLO. +18 268
>Jason: ?DEJRSY 6I DRY. +20 252
#note Quack likes DEY, J4. (-3)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AR K9 .AR. +17 285
>Jason: ?AEIJSV B9 JAVE.I. +38 290
#note Earning a "nice play" from Jeff.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ENORSTU 14H .EUTRONS +70 355
#note Back to climbing uphill. The second half of this game was a little sisyphus-ian.
>Jason: ?AADLSV O12 VA.A +33 323
#note "You're making good use of those V's," Jeff commented. As a side note, how about the Idaho Vandals? Normally a "Bottom 10" mainstay, now 4-1 and as Stewart Mandel asked: "Could the biggest threat to Boise State's perfect season come from its own state?"
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AIQ I3 QAI. +24 379
#note Interesting ... Jeff considered passing up the points and playing QI. Tough call.
>Jason: ?DDELOS 4G OD. +6 329
#note Only playable is ScOLDED, but it's hard to see a win after that. My spread sucked next to Pete's anyway ... let's give up a sh*tton of equity and roll the dice. CP likes OD at C9, but then Jeff plops a tile at N2 and then what? (A)D(OR)E is interesting, but I like this. (-42)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: CEEELMO 3C CELOM +31 410
#note Very interesting decision here, to try and run. Jeff's up 81 after this. Looking at the 11 unplayed tiles, assuming I can bingo out, I'll get double the value for each one (either by hitting the DWS from 5A or getting them from his rack). That's 26, plus 50 for bingoing: 76. If I hook a one-pointer to MO, it's a tie; to win I need a bingoing ending in D (or B, theoretically). No N3 bingos win anymore, I think. I (and CP) like CEE at F4 (note: I pointed out CEE in the post-mortem after the game, stupid copycat Duck), the only play that wins over half the time ... CELOM isn't even mentioned, which surprises me. Are my odds of bingoing from the K that high?
>Jason: ?BDELSS 5A BLESSeD +74 403
#note I is luckbox. Jeff called his gf as we rode to dinner to tell her he had lost six games in a row to be at 1-6. "And Jason bingoed out the last game to win by one," he said. "Yell at him!" he finished, and handed the phone to me. Gee, thanks. :)
>Jason: (EEIN) +8 411