Player 1 |
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#player1 Edwin_Roth Edwin Roth
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Edwin_Roth: BEGIO 8D BOGIE +22 22
>Samuel_Kaplan: AADEOSY F6 YO.A +16 16
#note I figured this was at least slightly better equity than doing D8 BEADY or BAYED, but ADES is more than just 6 points better than AOS as a leave. This is best.
>Edwin_Roth: ?ACNOSY I3 CYANOSe +74 96
#note Unfortunately, after holding this, I incorrectly accepted this. CYANOSED, CYANOSES, and CYANOSIS are all good. He could have played G2 CYANOs(I)S as a more defensive bingo than 10F SYCONiA.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AADEHLS G6 AH. +24 40
#note Looked for a while and did not see any playable bingoes. There were none. This is fine.
>Edwin_Roth: ARV E4 VAR +18 114
>Samuel_Kaplan: AADEJLS 4C JA.A +28 68
#note Stupid J draw. While it is basically a tossup between this and 10B JADES, 3G JA(C)ALES is worth it despite how much that could give up. I played this turn too scared. #strategylarge
>Edwin_Roth: ?ADIRTU J9 DATURIc +63 177
#note He could have made a phony word become legal with DATURIc at 10I. Still not a fortunate sequence of events.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DDEILRS K3 RIDDLES +71 139
#note Since I'm trailing by quite a bit, this was chosen over DREIDLS in the hopes of hitting an X play on Row 8.
>Edwin_Roth: BIOU C2 BI.OU +28 205
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEIIOPU 3I .U.IO +14 153
#note 13H EURIPI is better. #findingmedium
>Edwin_Roth: ADEHK 15H HA.KED +42 247
#note Wouldn't have stopped a big play from coming down.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEILPUW 13G PUE.ILE +26 179
#note Looks fine. Still not thrilled with any of my options.
>Edwin_Roth: FI L7 IF +20 267
#note Nice play.
>Samuel_Kaplan: GILOOWZ 14F ZIG +44 223
#note Hated blocking a key bingo lane but I'm not scoring anywhere near this much elsewhere.
>Edwin_Roth: ENTW M5 WENT +18 285
>Samuel_Kaplan: ALNOOVW N4 VOW +35 258
#note This is a brutal spot to be in. Once again I potentially give up a lot to Ed but if I don't ditch the V now, it would have to play with 12H VA(U) which takes out another important bingo lane I will need to have and it scores less than 30 points.
>Edwin_Roth: CEIM O6 EMIC +30 315
#note Ugh
>Samuel_Kaplan: AELNOTT L1 TO.T +14 272
#note With the open T in DATURIc still open, I opted to ditch both of mine seeing there's still 2 more to draw. Either open a new threat now or kiss this game goodbye.
>Edwin_Roth: X J2 X. +25 340
#note BIJOU does take the X hook for those wondering. But this is a nice block from him.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEEFLNO H4 OF +17 289
>Edwin_Roth: GP 12I P.G +13 353
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEELNQR 3B Q. +11 300
>Edwin_Roth: EELMSTT B6 METTLES +77 430
#note Are you serious lol
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEELNNR A5 LANE +25 325
#note By doing A4 ARENE, I only have 1 out play of M12 L(E)N(D). This allows me many more.
>Edwin_Roth: ENNRRS 1K S.ERN +15 445
#note A12 ERRS nets him 3 more spread points.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ENR 11B .RNE +8 333
#note I misscored this as 10. Final score was recorded as 445-339.
I will say this was the polar opposite of last game where I drew much worse and did not get the stuff I needed to bingo. Part of my problem was not being able to pull the trigger on calling off CYANOSE*. Props to him on getting that one past me and well played to him overall. 3-2 +60. Let's avoid a repeat of Princeton March 30 where I ended the day on a multigame losing streak.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (NR) +4 337