Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Zachary_Ansell Zachary Ansell
#player2 Deen_Hergott Deen Hergott
>Zachary_Ansell: EHLSTVY 8G LEVY +20 20
#note 2024 Montreal Scrabblefest round 1
>Deen_Hergott: DFLOW H4 FLOW.D +17 17
>Zachary_Ansell: GHIRSTZ 5G G.ITZ +30 50
>Deen_Hergott: DMO 6F MO.D +19 36
>Zachary_Ansell: BEHNORS J8 .OB +14 64
#note Considered just B(Y), but figured that he wouldn't give me anything to work with if I played that.
>Deen_Hergott: AI 6K AI +13 49
>Zachary_Ansell: AEHNRSU 10J .RUH +9 73
#note This is probably a mistake where I tried to be too clever. His previous two plays and demeanor signaled strong bingo tiles, but the way he looked at YOB and how he opened the second line indicated to me that he didn't have an S. Wasn't confident enough in that to play HUN(T) and go full aggro, but thought this seemed reasonable given the inference. Standard options like HAU(T) or AH probably better. There is also the angle where he is unsure of a new word/whether it takes an S, but thats a bit hopeful a few months after the update.
>Deen_Hergott: AIJ M10 .AJI +28 77
>Zachary_Ansell: AEKMNPS M3 SPANK +35 108
>Deen_Hergott: CEGNRST 13H CREST.NG +62 139
>Zachary_Ansell: EEILMNS O10 MIN.LE +30 138
#note sim really likes 14I EM, but that seemed a bit too aggressive for me - I guess my tiles work really well with either triple, but I don't need a bingo to come back in this.
>Deen_Hergott: INO H12 I.ON +21 160
>Zachary_Ansell: ?EEGRST 15A ESTRoGE. +77 215
>Deen_Hergott: DEO 14J DOE +19 179
>Zachary_Ansell: BIOPTUX H1 OUT...... +48 263
#note was sad XI got blocked, but this was still nice.
>Deen_Hergott: ?AACDET A8 ECAuDAT. +86 265
>Zachary_Ansell: BINPRXY 9M BY +30 293
#note maybe a mistake over the standard PYX
>Deen_Hergott: AHI B12 AHI. +26 291
>Zachary_Ansell: EINPRWX C12 PIN. +33 326
>Deen_Hergott: AEU L2 EAU +16 307
>Zachary_Ansell: EFORRWX 9A .OWER +14 340
#note I feel like this is actually a really strong play - was somewhat worried about opponent having S or bingo down B column, esp after EAU. This shuts down so much potential and also sets up the X.
>Deen_Hergott: AEELRUV B6 VAL.R +24 331
#note actual rack
>Zachary_Ansell: AFIORSX D8 F.ARS +38 378
#note Macondo confirms this is the strongest play, though plenty of others with 100% win.
>Deen_Hergott: EEEINTU F10 TEEIN. +11 342
>Zachary_Ansell: IOQX 8N OX +32 410
>Deen_Hergott: EU 3G U.E +5 347
>Deen_Hergott: (IQ) +22 369
Player 2
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