Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Michael_Fagen Michael Fagen
>Jackson: EEFIRSW H7 FEW +18 18
>Michael_Fagen: EOP G7 OPE +23 23
>Jackson: ?EIJKRS 10A JeRKIES +75 93
#note wasnt sure of JINKERS for 2 more, probably worth it
>Michael_Fagen: DETTU A10 .UTTED +45 68
>Jackson: AHINOOS B13 OHO +27 120
#note could do HOO F6 as well for aggression, sims about even with OHO
>Michael_Fagen: FITU C9 F.UIT +30 98
>Jackson: AEEINOS I8 AE +15 135
>Michael_Fagen: TTTY E9 T.TTY +16 114
>Jackson: CDEINOS J3 CODEINS +75 210
>Michael_Fagen: ARX K4 RAX +37 151
>Jackson: AEOORSU 13E .OU +7 217
#note missed OAK for 14, I woulda played that. I liked the R setup to possibly score, but OAK is still more solid.
>Michael_Fagen: ACLN L2 CLAN +22 173
>Jackson: AEIORSZ F5 AZO +38 255
>Michael_Fagen: IMPR H12 PRIM +40 213
>Jackson: EEILRSW 15H .EWL +9 264
#note I had the strong feeling I was blocking something here.
>Michael_Fagen: EINQRU 2L .INQ +30 243
>Jackson: EIIRRSV L11 VIRES +29 293
#note lets go
>Michael_Fagen: BEHRY E1 HERBY +36 279
>Jackson: ADGILNR 1E .ADING +33 326
#note reaching for blank. HALING might be better, setting up good 2 row plays for me. I like that, gives me 3-4 more on average nex turn
>Michael_Fagen: AAEU O1 A.UAE +45 324
>Jackson: ?AELLRV N5 ALLoVER +65 391
>Michael_Fagen: DNOS 2B NOS.D +27 351
>Jackson: ABEIIMO B1 A.OMIE +10 401
#note AIM is best endgame, saving DOOBIE on the bottom or BIRO to scor up top
>Michael_Fagen: GGN 1A G.G +18 369
>Jackson: BI F13 .BI +11 412
>Jackson: (N) +2 414
Player 2
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