Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Ben_Schoenbrun Ben Schoenbrun
>Charles_Reinke: ?AGNPVW H7 VAW +18 18
#note 2023 Word Cup, CSW division, round 27
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AIJ G8 JAI +26 26
>Charles_Reinke: ?FGINPU 11D UPFlING +84 102
>Charles_Reinke: FIINRTT (challenge) +5 107
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EQY D10 Q.EY +32 58
>Charles_Reinke: FIINRTT C13 FIT +28 135
#note I guess I missed FRITTING here. I'll come back to this comment later and edit it to include a believable excuse for why I missed that. Potential ideas: fatigue, higher-level board strategy, expurgation, Collins confusion, aliens
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ADEIV 15A DA.IVE +33 91
>Charles_Reinke: CIKNRTU J4 TRUCKIN. +69 204
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ?ABLNOO 14F BAlLOON +76 167
>Charles_Reinke: EIMNRRX 15K REMIX +50 254
>Ben_Schoenbrun: OOTT 13J TOOT +16 183
>Charles_Reinke: ELNNRSW -LNNW +0 254
#note Didn't like my options here, but 12L NEW is worth it.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ELMTY 5H TE.MLY +22 205
>Charles_Reinke: AEGIRSS L4 G.ASSIER +70 324
>Ben_Schoenbrun: BELU H1 BLUE. +24 229
>Charles_Reinke: AHNORRU 14N HO +29 353
#note I7 AR is fun.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EHOR 8J .O.HER +39 268
>Charles_Reinke: ADENRRU 1F UN.ARRED +62 415
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EZ 13G ZE +43 311
>Charles_Reinke: DDILNSW 4B DWINDL. +24 439
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AEEGP 3A PEAGE +34 345
>Charles_Reinke: AEIOSST 5B SATE +28 467
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ACNO N6 OC.AN +11 356
>Ben_Schoenbrun: (IOS) +6 362