Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Wes_Eddings Wes Eddings
#player2 James_Donnelly James Donnelly
>Wes_Eddings: ACFL 8G CALF +18 18
>James_Donnelly: DDIIMNO J6 DI. +11 11
#note Seems right. Maybe (F)ID setting up FIDO?
>Wes_Eddings: ELPU 6F PULE. +14 32
>James_Donnelly: DIMNORV 5E DOM +20 31
#note Tossup between 5C VINO and this. I'd like to keep a vowel if at all possible.
>Wes_Eddings: AELV 4D VALE +27 59
>James_Donnelly: AADINRV D2 VA. +9 40
#note VALE might suggest that Wes has an S. Both of us were blind to VALET though. If I had seen I3 VIN(E)A(L), I would've played it.
>Wes_Eddings: ?ALNRSY H8 .NALYSeR +92 151
>James_Donnelly: ADGINRT 11D DART.ING +90 130
>Wes_Eddings: BG 3C G.B +18 169
>James_Donnelly: EIINRTW 15A WINTRIE. +86 216
>Wes_Eddings: FKU B12 KUF. +22 191
>James_Donnelly: IIOORUU -IIOORUU +0 216
#note I like exchanging all here. I'm gunning for the blank, S's, and X for the F14 spot.
>Wes_Eddings: OX 14E OX +52 243
>James_Donnelly: CGORTWZ 13A W.Z +30 246
#note Again, VALET blindness makes me miss H1 WORT. This isn't a bad alternative though.
>Wes_Eddings: AB 12D AB +18 261
>James_Donnelly: CEGORTT 13H .COTER +22 268
#note Gah, I had wished for a play with H1 GROT in this scenario
>Wes_Eddings: EHN 14J HEN +31 292
>James_Donnelly: GJNOTTU I3 JUT. +19 287
#note Definitely just need to play GOUT to either of the two triples here. sadj
>Wes_Eddings: AE F10 E.A +10 302
>James_Donnelly: GINOOST 15L GOON +27 314
>Wes_Eddings: ?AEINPS N7 AlPINES +69 371
>James_Donnelly: EEIOSTT O7 TOE +18 332
#note Unsure of what to do here. This seems fine, but after Wes blocks I'm in a bit of a pickle.
>Wes_Eddings: AEOR M4 AERO +9 380
>James_Donnelly: EIIIRST M10 TI +6 338
#note Rough spot. 9H (N)ISEI looks best. I went for the "hope he has a Q and block Q plays" route.
>Wes_Eddings: DEHO L1 HOED +30 410
>James_Donnelly: EIIRSUY 1H REIS.I +27 365
#note Best endgame is 1K S(H)IUR into J5 E(DIF)Y. Nothing wins
>Wes_Eddings: EIMQS N2 QIS +28 438
>James_Donnelly: UY 3K Y. +5 370
>Wes_Eddings: EM L6 EM +12 450
>Wes_Eddings: (U) +2 452