Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Sue Sue
>Josh: EJMNNQT -JMNQ +0 0
>Sue: AEFMOT 8D FOMATE +30 30
#note Not a word, but I have to let it stay.
>Josh: EENNRTU G6 EN.UNTER +61 61
>Sue: EHO F6 HE.O +34 64
>Sue: EHO -- -34 30
>Josh: BEOQTTW F2 BOWET +22 83
#note I discounted 12D BOW(E)T because I figured she would have already played there last turn.
>Sue: CEEHIOS 13C CHEE.IOS +78 108
>Josh: IINQTTZ J10 QIN. +33 116
#note 7I ZIT is clearly best. I was not thinking of setting up my Q with a Z play. #strategysaddest
>Sue: AX 14E AX +52 160
>Josh: DIOTTYZ H12 D.TZ +53 169
>Sue: IOPRR 15A PRIOR +27 187
>Josh: AIINOTY K7 TIYIN +31 200
#note 12D OY sims best, saving column K plays I guess. It also leaves the FOMATE* hook open, which I might get another turn with. #strategysadder
>Sue: AEY E3 YEA +26 213
>Josh: AAEGLOW 12D AW +27 227
#note Completely missed 12D OWL(ED). #visionsaddest
>Sue: ?CEIOST L4 COTISEs +89 302
>Josh: AEEGJLO 7C JOG +27 254
#note 4D J(EW)EL #visionsaddest
>Sue: AAFS 11B FAAS +36 338
>Josh: AEELLNR 4B REN..AL +22 276
#note 4D N(EW)ELL #findingsadder
>Sue: UU H3 U.U +3 341
>Josh: AEKLPRU M5 PAK +32 308
>Sue: AEGGS N2 GAGES +28 369
>Josh: EHILORU 2H LOUIE +11 319
#note I thought the O6 TASH hook and digging for the blank was my best shot, but this gets blocked too much. I felt like O6 HOLIER and O6 HOURI lose immediately. M3 HO(PAK) seems okay maybe. #strategysaddest
>Sue: DIL O3 LID +18 387
>Josh: EHILMNR 9K ..R +7 326
#note Out of time and ideas. I didn't see a win even if I drew the blank. #strategysaddest
>Sue: ?BDDORV I5 ROV.D +17 404
>Josh: EHILMNV J4 MEH +32 358
>Sue: ?BD 3A DaB +19 423
>Sue: (ILNV) +14 437
Player 2
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