Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein Josh Sokol-Rubenstein
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ABEHIMP H8 BIMAH +32 32
>Jackson: ADEILOY 12H .YOID +24 24
#note preferred to HYOIDAL cause I was sure of HYOID taking an S, and the AL helps my leave for hitting the floaters on the board, BIMD, and the AL ends up raising his average a fair amount, so it's worth holding back. However, I missed the star play of ODYLE here, overlapping BIMAH. Def worth it
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: EILPPTZ J10 PL.TZ +42 74
#note PLOT sims around 8 ahead, I think this setup is definitely worth making. Although I can block sometimes, it often comes at a huge sacrifice when I don't have an S, and even then I end up having to burn my S to block. Not an easy setup to block naturally
>Jackson: AEFILMN G4 INFLAME +81 105
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: EEFIOPS F10 FOE +30 104
>Jackson: BDEGIIX 5C BIDI.G +20 125
#note GIED looks better - BIDING raises his average a bit, and although I reach an extra tile towards X bombs and setup a second to hit the I, and in case MIX gets blocked, the numbers still favour GIED, I also hit BOX when I draw the O, which scores nicely.
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: AEIOPRS B3 SOAPIER +76 180
>Jackson: ACELORX A8 RELAX +68 193
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ?DIKNRY 14J .INKY +42 222
>Jackson: CEEGNOR D1 CORE.GN +26 219
#note saw BONCE but wasnt sure of it. Although its nice to be a bit aggressive here with COREIGN when I am down a tempo, reaching for blanks and making the board more dynamic, BONCE is still favoured by the numbers.
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ?ADNRRS C8 DARNeRS +74 296
>Jackson: ?EELOV 1D .LOVE +30 249
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: AEEGNST 8G ..NEGATES +89 385
>Jackson: ?EEEIRU M13 E.E +14 263
#note going for Q
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: CEOTUUW M3 CUTOU. +18 403
>Jackson: ?EIORTU A8 .....ERs +42 305
#note shoul do misroute in the bottom left, I can stil hit one of the O or J clumns. not winning often here but RELAXERS looks worse
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: AAEJSVW E11 JAVA +48 451
>Jackson: HIOTTUW O1 WITHOUT. +104 409
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ENOQSTW A1 STOW +44 495
>Jackson: ADIU - +0 409
#note smooth of the brain
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ENQ I1 NE +13 508
>Jackson: ADIU 6I AUDI. +8 417
>Jackson: (Q) +20 437