Player 1 |
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#player1 Josh_ Josh
#player2 Tom_Bond Tom Bond
>Josh_: EJOOTUY H7 JOY +26 26
#note close between this and JOEY. This seems more manageable.
>Tom_Bond: ADIIRTY I9 ARIDITY +69 69
#note guess JOEY would have been great here. Played in a bit over 2 minutes.
>Josh_: ?AEORTU 15B OUTwEAR. +83 109
#note I don't really agree that ROUTEWAY is better. This makes it more difficult to overlap and score immediately, and doesn't give the dark horse B column lane. #questionable
>Tom_Bond: HM 14F HM +32 101
>Josh_: AEILOUV 11E ELUV.A +18 127
#note VALUE(D) definitely better, except that I knew Tom's full rack for reasons.
>Tom_Bond: DDRSTTZ -DDRTZ +0 101
#note I think he exchanged down to ST from this exact rack. VALUE(D) gives him D(I)TZ for 31
>Josh_: FIIKOOS 12C KIF +25 152
#note could do KO(J)I too. KOIS J6 is an option I failed to consider. #questionable
>Tom_Bond: EEINRST 13H N.TERIES +66 167
>Josh_: IOOORSW N10 WOO.R +32 184
>Tom_Bond: III -III +0 167
>Josh_: GIINOSS L7 SIGNIO.S +70 254
#note definitely thought this was phony
>Tom_Bond: ACDE O8 ACED +29 196
>Josh_: AFHIPQT 13B QAT +38 292
>Tom_Bond: AAELPST K2 PALATES +72 268
>Josh_: EEFHIPU 4J F.UE +14 306
#note was hoping he didn't have GERANIOL, but that's what it seemed. Otherwise, maybe I should play (P)FUI or L3 HIE. #questionable
>Tom_Bond: ?EGINOR F4 GERaNIO. +62 330
>Josh_: CDEEHIP 2H CHI.PED +38 344
#note Quackle claims I should chill out here and play PEH or HEP E5, the former of which sacrifices a point for potentially better play next turn. I feel like this gives me the opportunity to better prepare to have endgame tempo next turn or the one after, but I might be wrong. I also figure I need the X or Z here. #questionable
>Tom_Bond: BOX 1M BOX +43 373
#note yeah, BOX
>Josh_: EILNNOZ 4A ZONIN. +52 396
>Tom_Bond: AEGU A1 GAU.E +45 418
>Josh_: BELMRTV M1 ..V.L +20 416
#note pretty fuckin screwed.
>Tom_Bond: ADELNW C2 WA.ED +18 436
#note Tom made a series of unfortunate mistakes here that we've all made before. 1) tracking properly but forgetting about a letter (he thought I was threatening to go out with (A)MBER 2A) 2) trying too hard to block something he can outrun anyway, with the simple N4 DAW. and 3) not preparing an out in two
>Josh_: BEMRT B3 T.ME +21 437
#note Tom is still OK here, despite me blocking D3 L(I)N
>Tom_Bond: LN 8K ..N +3 439
#note I have to try T(O)ME, but I actually didn't see his outplay until he was down to around 2 minutes on the clock. I knew he had 3 minutes to spot it, since he would still win by 5 after going over 1 minute and playing N(O)L(O) 12K.
>Josh_: BR O6 BR.... +11 448
>Josh_: (L) +2 450