Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Richard_Popper Richard Popper
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Richard_Popper: DDEGHMN -DGHM +0 0
#note Not actual rack. Richard exchanged 4 tiles to start this one.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AAILOOX 8F OXO +20 20
#note Leaving OO isn't appealing either, but AXIAL was missed for 6 more. An exchange 4 is at least random enough to the point where I can just play my game. AXIAL keeps the board open longer, which is what I sorely need to have against Richard. #findingsmall
>Richard_Popper: BOT 7F BOT +22 22
#note And that's what I get for doing OXO instead of AXIAL.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AAAEILW I5 AWA +14 34
#note I hated to do this, but there's just not much to score in this position. Looks fine.
>Richard_Popper: INVY 9C VINY +22 44
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEIJLOT J2 JOTA +29 63
#note This was chosen over JAIL because that allows so many more 2x2s to play, JOLE because that promotes board closing plays on Column H that will score nicely for him, and C7 JO(V)IAL as that opens up a massive hotspot at 8D. I do set up my L for Column K plays and force Column H plays to have to end with a B, which are so unlikely.
>Richard_Popper: CERY 3I C.YER +26 70
>Samuel_Kaplan: EHILMNU L2 H.LENIUM +78 141
#note I almost settled on doing K5 HUM, but this is why you take a couple more seconds when needed. I'm very pleased to have seen this bingo, and Richard's next move illustrates why it was important that I spotted HELENIUM.
>Richard_Popper: AELNSST D6 SAL.ENTS +68 138
#note Because he had this and the other elementary bingoes to counter mine.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AADEMRV C3 RAVED +29 170
#note I did spot MARAVEDI into the I in VINY and was bummed that he blocked it. That would have put so much pressure on him to come back. As for this move, I liked being aggressive while his rack is random and hanging on to my M for plays at M9.
>Richard_Popper: IIILRSW -IIILW +0 138
#note Not actual rack. Richard exchanged 4 tiles here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACEIMTZ M9 METICA +35 205
#note I liked that I saw this play hoping he wouldn't see that METICAL is good, but 13B ME(S)TIZA is a more sound play, clearly best, and is 56 which was missed. #findinglarge
>Richard_Popper: AEINNRS 13B IN.NARES +70 208
#note And he's hanging on to dear life with these baby bingoes. But I would get lucky on my next turn.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EKPPSUZ H12 Z.KS +81 286
#note Looks great. Keeping both Ps is great synergy, so ZEKS over ZEPS was the right call.
>Richard_Popper: DFGILNO 15A FOLDING. +95 303
#note I may have blocked FONDLING on Row 11, but this apparent phony looked too plausible and was too scared to challenge. Argh!!!!
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?BEPPRU 2A PUB +26 312
#note Best play.
>Richard_Popper: EF 12F FE. +22 325
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?DELOPR 15L PLOD +41 353
#note And I beat him to this spot, so that was nice. But FLOG would have still scored nicely for him instead of the stupid phony I let him het get away with.
>Richard_Popper: DGO 14K GO.D +22 347
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?AEEIRR A1 A.ER +21 374
#note I was about to do O1 REpAIRE(D) until this got blocked, but if only I looked a little harder, I would have seen A2 (P)EARlIER. I should have put him away several turns ago and now! #visionlarge
>Richard_Popper: EIQU 11I QUIE. +28 375
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?EEHIOR B6 HO +31 405
#note Defninitely not doing HOE in this spot as he can very easily score starting with the W if he has it. The sim does back me up, and I wasn't doing 2L HEH as I need the 11 extra points in a close game. There's no more bingo lines left to hit.
>Richard_Popper: ?AEGIRT 10M .T +4 379
#note Assuming this was Richard's final rack of 7, Championship Player says that 2L (H)AG is Richard's winningest move because if EU is in the bag, he bingoes out with SUETIER, which is not even valid anymore. With the knowledge that SUETIER isn't good, I don't mind this play at all because he needs to hope I don't have the 2nd blank that I would need in order to directly address this opening.
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?EEIRTW O7 WIThER +29 434
#note If an I is in the bag and I don't address this, Richard bingoes out with O4 REfUGIA and wins. So I'm not exactly sure what Quackle is thinking here with other moves besides this one and 6L (N)EW.
>Richard_Popper: ?AEGIIR A7 cIGAR +19 398
#note A7 sAGIER or A7 cAGIER are 6 more for him.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EU 3C .UE +3 437
#note 4L LEU is 2 more. The beauty of finding HELENIUM was significantly outweighed by missing MESTIZA, missing PEARLIER, and allowing FOLDINGS* to stay. That's some pretty good spread I could have had but missed out on. Good for at least locking down the win, 3-2 +129.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (EI) +4 441
Player 2
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