Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Mike Mike
>Noah: ?BIIMNO 8F NIOBIuM +76 76
>Mike: ADEEILO 9F ODEA +22 22
>Noah: AIOW L8 .IAOW +20 96
>Mike: AEEILWY 10D YEW +31 53
>Noah: ELOUZ 11A OUZEL +37 133
>Mike: AEEEGIL A10 G.ALIE +24 77
#note Or ZEE.
>Noah: EKNOPSU M2 PUNKOES +89 222
#note "Now now," I muttered under my breath. Yeah, big now on me. Don't ask me what I was thinking here. "Was I thinking" is a better question--the answer to which is clearly no.
>Mike: AEEINOR C11 .OEA +26 103
>Noah: NQRT 10J TR.NQ +36 258
>Mike: ADEINNR N10 .INDAR +32 135
>Noah: ACR 15L CA.R +27 285
>Mike: ADELNXY N5 AX +56 191
#note At least my plays are all correct thus far.
>Noah: LUV 15C LUV +21 306
>Mike: DDEGNOY O1 DODGY +49 240
>Noah: BRU D8 BU..R +30 336
>Mike: CEINPRS 13F PINCERS +76 316
>Noah: EEJS O7 JEES +48 384
>Mike: EGOSTTV 5K TO... +24 340
#note Several okay options here. GOTTEN 4H sims best, since the pool is friendly enough that turnover is okay. I figured this line was tougher to block, and I also wanted to lengthen the game a bit.
>Noah: AHIMRT C4 THIRAM +26 410
>Mike: ?EGSTTV 8B T.. +5 345
#note I think I was fishing for an I for GrIVETS/VeSTIGE here. The standout play, though, is ViG 6B, which accomplishes the same things I'm trying to do here, only better.
>Noah: FT 6B F.T +14 424
>Mike: ?EGNSTV G7 V.. +11 356
#note Best in equity, but there are no wins here.
>Noah: AEFHIIL 4C .HIEF +22 446
#note LITHIA 4A or FIEF B3 are seven better. (Proof left to the reader.)
>Mike: ?EEGNST E1 EdG.EST +21 377
#note HENTEd 5C and bEHEST 5A (both very cool) are eight better. Despite being in lockstep with the duck for the first eight plays, I didn't deserve this one.
>Noah: AIL 6G AIL +11 457
#note ANIL H12, four better. Nicely done, Noah. Now now. :)
>Noah: (N) +2 459