Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kenji Kenji
#player2 Joey Joey
>Kenji: AIMX 8G MAXI +26 26
>Joey: EESW K5 EWES +28 28
#note Incomplete racks between now and the endgame.
>Kenji: AFHK L2 KHAF +33 59
>Joey: EINNR 9F RENIN +26 54
>Kenji: DEFGI 10B FIDGE +24 83
>Joey: AGLOS M1 GAOLS +36 90
>Kenji: OPRRT 7J R.PORT +12 95
>Joey: CEINSTY D7 SYN.ETIC +86 176
>Kenji: CINOR O4 COR.IN +33 128
>Joey: ITV 8A TIV. +30 206
>Kenji: NPUZ 13A UNZ.P +32 160
>Joey: BEE N2 BEE +40 246
>Kenji: AJR A12 J.RA +57 217
>Joey: AAIIUU -AAIIUU +0 246
>Kenji: DDEMO 10J DOMED +26 243
>Joey: EEL 11K EEL +16 262
>Kenji: ?ADQ 6B QuAD +48 291
>Joey: ?AEILTT H7 T..TALIzE +77 339
#note There are four other nines here! This is tied for best scoring, though TIMETABLE is pretty cool.
>Kenji: IOOV E2 OVOI. +18 309
>Joey: OY F1 OY +26 365
>Kenji: RU 1F .UR +9 318
>Joey: AABGINS 14F BI.NAGAS +68 433
>Kenji: EHLTUUW 15L WHET +56 374
>Joey: AO N6 O.A +11 444
>Joey: (LUU) +6 450
Player 2
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