Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Randy_Hersom Randy Hersom
#player2 David_Weisberg David Weisberg
>Randy_Hersom: COW 8G COW +16 16
>David_Weisberg: ?EGIIMS J6 MISGIvE +76 76
#note This placement sims a point better than at F6. COW, of course, takes an L hook, but also, playing at J6 more or less eliminates rows 7 and 9 as bingo lines.
>Randy_Hersom: AUX 12J .AUX +22 38
>David_Weisberg: BCDEFOR K2 FORCED +31 107
#note M10 FOXED 32 sims about 2.5 ahead of my play. I wasn't crazy about BCR, but a lone B isn't much better, or could be worse. FOXED is probably more defensive, and it scores a point more, so that could explain why it performs better.
>Randy_Hersom: NPU 13L PUN +32 70
>David_Weisberg: AAABENS O9 ANABASE +92 199
#note O13 ABA 21 or O11 ABASE are the plays here (ABA sims 1.5 better), but I was 50-50 on this and it seemed worth the risk. This was a multi-word mixup between words I know (ANATASE, ANABASIS, ANABASES, DIABASE) and one I didn't (ANABAS).
>Randy_Hersom: OOW 14J WOO +19 89
#note Scored as 17
>David_Weisberg: EFNOSTT 15G OFTEN +31 230
>Randy_Hersom: EOQU 4K .OQUE +30 119
>David_Weisberg: EILNSTT 10F LINT.EST +60 290
>Randy_Hersom: AERU 2K .EUAR +16 135
>David_Weisberg: ?ADERSV 14B ADVeRSE +81 371
>Randy_Hersom: EKP O1 K.E.P +33 168
>David_Weisberg: GILOTTY E8 LOGY +26 397
#note I can't lose now, but D12 TIVY sims 8 points better. Spread would prove to be important for the final rounds of this tournament.
>Randy_Hersom: AIIL 8A ILIA. +18 186
>David_Weisberg: DIIORTT 9A DIT +13 410
#note Should have added my other T for DITTO for 17. Even better is IRIDOLOGY E3 28, which of course I knew from all the low probability 9s I've been studying.At least DIT bingos a bit more often next turn, but none of these plays is intended to help ME bingo.
>Randy_Hersom: BDIMR 6F BRIM..D +20 206
>David_Weisberg: IINORRT H1 ROTIN. +21 431
>Randy_Hersom: EV B8 ..VE +15 221
>David_Weisberg: AIJRTYZ 7C ZA +45 476
#note Yeesh. At least I didn't have HAZY, which would have been an obscene 71 points.
>Randy_Hersom: AEHHL 3D HEAL.H +17 238
>David_Weisberg: IJNRTY F2 J.Y +29 505
#note Missed JIVY D12 42! That is a danger with these blowout games. One can get complacent by the end.
>Randy_Hersom: EG C12 GE. +10 248
#note Scored as 505-254.
>Randy_Hersom: (INRT) +8 256
Player 2
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