Player 1 |
#player1 Jason_Idalski Jason Idalski
#player2 Max_Panitch Max Panitch
#title 2009 CanAm Round 13
#description Jason Idalski plays Max Panitch in Round 13 at the 2009 CanAm
>Jason_Idalski: BDEINRT -B +0 0
#note One of those "play short or long?" opening racks. Duck agrees.
>Max_Panitch: AEEGNSS 8H SENEGAS +70 70
>Jason_Idalski: DEINORT K5 ORI.NTED +86 86
>Max_Panitch: ABBINQV N6 QI. +32 102
>Jason_Idalski: ?EGHTUW M7 H.W +26 112
#note Wanted the I or O for OUTWEIGH. Didn't know the word to the D, WaUGHTE(D). (-31)
>Max_Panitch: AABBENV 12H VAN.A +26 128
>Jason_Idalski: ?EGGRTU H12 .UGG +27 139
#note Saw (S)TRUGGlE, it was blocked, played this quickly. Didn't know dRUGGET(S) or GURGlET(S). Figured this would be fairly close to any bingo to the S. (-14)
>Max_Panitch: BBEEINO 7G BOB +22 150
>Jason_Idalski: ?AEPRTW 6F PAW +24 163
#note This is how bad a shape I was in; I thought I might be missing WiRETAP at 6B ... could not remember if POS* was good or not. But, I end up making the best play; better than TAPEW(O)Rm.
>Max_Panitch: CEEINPS O4 EPIC +28 178
>Jason_Idalski: ?EFRTUZ L1 FURZE +44 207
>Max_Panitch: DENRSST 1L .END +24 202
>Jason_Idalski: ?DEIORT 15H .RODIEsT +80 287
>Max_Panitch: CILRSST M11 SLIC. +24 226
>Jason_Idalski: AAFILNU 2J FA.NA +38 325
>Max_Panitch: AEIRSTV 14F VI. +15 241
>Jason_Idalski: DEIJLOU 14J JO +53 378
>Max_Panitch: AELMRST 9C ARMLETS +75 316
>Jason_Idalski: ADEHILU 1E HALIDE +35 413
#note Wanted to turn over and score, so chose this over HULA. Then saw it set up the X bomb ... I should've picked it up and re-thought. Just tired and lazy. AUDILE is the sim leader. (-10)
>Max_Panitch: ILMOTXY 2D MIX +58 374
#note Rightly whacked. This game is back in doubt.
>Jason_Idalski: ?AEIOOU D2 .IAOU +14 427
#note Oy. If I don't draw the blank here, I probably lose. The E9 placement is preferred by Duck. (-5)
>Max_Panitch: EKLORTY 8A YOK +36 410
#note Gosh, Max deserved to win more than I did. He played this near-perfect.
>Jason_Idalski: ?EEORUY 2B RE... +28 455
#note Now I've got to block the 3/8 chance he has ROTTENL(Y). One of the guaranteed wins; though OUR(I)E is better for spread's sake. (-11)
>Max_Panitch: ELNRTTT 3C L.TER +32 442
>Jason_Idalski: ?EOOUY 7B YO +19 474
#note pOYOU/p(REMIX) is 10 better.
>Max_Panitch: NTT 13L T.NT +6 448
#note One of those games where "deserve's got nothin' to do with it." Max played well, me mediocrely, but I drew better.
>Max_Panitch: (EOU?) +6 454