Player 1 |
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Joe_Petree Joe Petree
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAENSUY 8G UNEASY +26 26
#note I debated hard between UNEASY and YUAN. Quackles prefers H8 YUAN for 14 over my play by about 2-3 points.
>Joe_Petree: ?DDEINR H1 uNRIDDE. +80 80
#note Great find! I held for a few minutes and then let it go because it looked familar and I had a good comeback.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEEJKL 5C JACKE. +40 66
#note Seems fine.
>Joe_Petree: HNO 6B NOH +22 102
#note HON in the same spot is 3 more points.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEILTTU 7C BIT +29 95
#note K8 SUBTITLE for 70. If you don't find that, BIT is ok.
>Joe_Petree: IZ 2F ZI. +32 134
>Jonathan_Lindh: EHLORTU K5 HOL.TER +40 135
#note Best.
>Joe_Petree: MUV J4 VUM +29 163
>Jonathan_Lindh: AGINSTU 10G SAUT.ING +65 200
#note Also UNITAGES for the same score.
>Joe_Petree: MW 7G M.W +31 194
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIOTVX 3J OVATE +25 225
#note I loved this play! It scores, doesn't open that much, creates phantom S and D hooks I can maybe use later and sets up XI for 38. H10 AVIATE for 30 is the other X setup play that is a smidge too volatile for me and Quackle. AVIATE is 2nd.
>Joe_Petree: ?ACEEIN 4L AE +10 204
#note Blocking my X setup.
>Jonathan_Lindh: IIIPTUX 11D PTUI +14 239
#note Seems fine after Joe's very fishy play.
>Joe_Petree: ?ACEEIN 12I CAsEINE +78 282
#note 12C/12B fIANCEE/fAIENCE for 85 and 1G AUDIENCE for 61 are the best valid bingos. This one is a common phony I never should have let go.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIILPX 3C IXIA +33 272
#note 12A PIXIE for 44. My play is about #5 and 8 points back.
>Joe_Petree: AOT 2B TAO +17 299
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEGLPY 1D BY +25 297
#note 12A GYBE for 32 is theoretically best but Joe seemed like he was seeting up an R. Something like A1 SERF would basically put the game out of reach, so I think some defense is reasonable.
>Joe_Petree: INRW O11 R.WIN +24 323
#note I was right about the R.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEGLOPQ 14N Q. +22 319
#note Seems fine.
>Joe_Petree: DER 1A DER.. +38 361
#note Unfortunately, I think Joe was keeping R's as in MULTIPLE R's, so he was able to make this great play.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEEGLOP 12A POLE +26 345
#note 12A GELEE for 26?
>Joe_Petree: FGLS B10 FL.GS +34 395
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEEFGS O1 FADGE +46 391
#note What hapened next was one of my blatant steals of a game ever. I saw Joe was very low on time (15 seconds left or so), his rack wasn't very good, my best valid play was something like 8A EFS for 31, which never wins. I decide to intentionally phony with FADGE/OVATED* and hope he doesn't challenge. If he doesn't challenge, I probably win.
>Joe_Petree: LOOORR 13D ROO +8 403
#note 13B GOR is 17, but nothing wins.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ES 8B ES +15 406
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (LOR) +6 412
#note Final score recorded as 410-403.