Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Randy Randy
#player2 Joey Joey
>Randy: AIP 8G PIA +10 10
>Joey: DIOOT 9D OOTID +15 15
#note Incomplete racks between now and the endgame.
>Randy: AARU 7I AURA +8 18
>Joey: EEGK 8L GEEK +38 53
>Randy: ANNO 8A ANON +18 36
>Joey: JLSTY J6 J.STLY +40 93
>Randy: UV 10J .UV +6 42
>Joey: BHO 7A HOB +25 118
>Randy: GO 6J .OG +18 60
>Joey: DE 9A DE +13 131
>Randy: EIL L10 .EIL +14 74
>Joey: DEEINRT O5 TIN.ERED +65 196
>Randy: ?IINNPS 14F PINNIeS +74 148
>Joey: EVX N4 VEX +56 252
>Randy: ?DEIORU 15B DOURInE +85 233
>Joey: ACW 6B CAW +31 283
>Randy: AQU B12 QUA. +28 261
>Joey: EWY 10B YEW +41 324
>Randy: FTZ 13A F.TZ +32 293
>Joey: FLT 11H FL.T. +26 350
>Randy: LO D4 LO. +12 305
>Joey: IMM E3 MIM +24 374
>Randy: AEINORS 3E .ORAINES +62 367
>Joey: ABEGHRT 2F BATHER +44 418
>Randy: ACERS 1K ACRES +33 400
>Randy: (G) +4 404
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-30 21:05:54 Server IP: