Player 1 |
#player1 Mike Mike
#player2 Joey Joey
>Mike: EIOOR 8H OORIE +12 12
>Joey: ?DFIILO 9G DIF +24 24
#note Missing DIOLEFIN. I have a hard time finding that even without a blank.
#note And it would have blocked this bingo. That's happening an awful lot lately.
>Joey: ?GILOOQ M4 QI +13 37
>Mike: AKU 10J KAGU +19 103
>Joey: ?AEGLOO 11D zOOGLEA +70 107
#note Surprisingly the only bingo, other than ZOOGLEAS a row lower.
>Mike: X 9L AX +34 137
>Joey: DIIOPST H11 LIPID +27 134
>Mike: EEINORT 6E NEOTERIC +64 201
#note Lucky that he missed the better bingo I had just given him a spot for.
>Joey: HJNOSTT 10F JO +55 189
>Mike: AIMRZ N3 MIRZA +50 251
>Joey: GHNNSTT 14G NIGHT +17 206
#note Never fun to close down the board for a low score when trailing, but I didn't know what else to do. NTH O7 was another possibility.
>Mike: ADES O5 SADE +33 284
>Joey: EENSTYY O1 TYE +22 228
#note Another tough call. The YY draw really polluted this rack. Too TYIYN didn't quite work at 12F.
>Mike: AEW 12D AWE +29 313
>Joey: DEHNRSY H1 DRYEST +33 261
#note Right idea, but wrong word. SYNDET is better.
>Mike: OOPRT E1 PROTON +16 329
>Joey: ?BEHINU 1A UNHIP +33 294
>Mike: ALUV 4A VAULT +24 353
>Joey: ?ABEEMW 3C MEOW +28 322
#note I was tempted to try something like BEWARMED* or LAMBWEED*, but decided to wait a little longer for something that desperate.
>Mike: BEL 15E BLED +9 362
>Joey: ?ABEFNV 5D FOB +18 340
#note Hoping for VESUVIAN or UNIVALVES, which he would be forced to block.
>Mike: ILNSTTU N10 STILT +26 388
>Joey: ?ACENNV 15A uNCABLED +39 379
#note If this was good and he challenged, I would then get NEVI K3 for a game winner. Alas, it did not pan out.
>Mike: NU 2A NU +10 398
>Mike: (ENV) +12 410