Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Mike_Baker Mike Baker
>Noah: ADEIRSW -W +0 0
>Mike_Baker: FORU -FOUR +0 0
>Noah: ADEIRRS 8D RAIDERS +68 68
>Mike_Baker: LUU J8 .ULU +6 6
>Noah: AAEIMPX K9 PIMA +30 98
#note Maybe better to keep it simple with APEX. Dunno.
>Mike_Baker: GOPR L11 PROG +25 31
>Noah: AEEIKOX M12 EX +39 137
#note OAKIE(R) is an interesting option.
>Mike_Baker: IO N13 OI +14 45
>Noah: AEKNOTT 7F KANE +25 162
#note Yuck. Didn't know what to do. This is an attempt to block the board. I didn't think he'd go for NOTETAK(E) either. Unfortnately, I have KENO here, for a better leave.
>Mike_Baker: IJNOS 15H JOINS +48 93
>Noah: AIOOTTT L4 TATTOO +19 181
>Mike_Baker: HO 14J HO. +30 123
>Noah: DFIRSTV K3 DIF +26 207
>Mike_Baker: ACFIM 13F MAFIC +22 145
>Noah: LOQRSTV -LQV +0 207
#note This was an interesting decision. I didn't think about VOLTS, just this and Q(A)T. The nice thing about QAT is that it helps block the new lanes. But on the other hand, it keeps a dismal leave, especially for this board.
>Mike_Baker: ?BEENST 12C BuTENES +82 227
>Noah: EGLORST C9 GLO.E +20 227
#note LOG looks best. This isn't very good I don't think.
>Mike_Baker: ABEEERV 3D BEAVERE. +69 296
#note BEREAVE(R) may be better, I probably would challenge too.
>Noah: ?RRSTWW H1 TR.WS +36 263
>Mike_Baker: AEEHV 5C HEAVE. +24 320
>Noah: ?DNNNRW 8L .WN +6 269
#note I think I need to play this. I have to set up something good, because blocking won't be too hard. There's not that much hope left, unfortunately.
>Mike_Baker: AEOZ N6 ZO.E +33 353
#note He told me he had the A here.
>Noah: ?DINNRU 11B N. +2 271
#note I don't think I can win after INTURNeD. Quackle likes UN(B)R(E)D and UN(ZONE)D. I played this to fish for DURIANs or something over here. How does UNBRED win 25% of the time?
>Mike_Baker: AQUY 2B QUAY +41 394
>Noah: ?DILNRU D2 ..L. +12 283
>Mike_Baker: D J2 D. +7 401
>Noah: ?DIINRU 10M ID +26 309
#note URD 10M is two better.
>Mike_Baker: ACGILTY 1D CAY +29 430
>Noah: ?INRU 10C .UNIeR +7 316
#note Oops-RULINg plays here too, and IRe 6C is best.
>Noah: (GILT) +10 326