Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Steve_Hartsman Steve Hartsman
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Steve_Hartsman: AGUYZ H8 GAUZY +44 44
>Morris_Greenberg: CEGIRRT 11E GRI. +28 28
>Steve_Hartsman: ?DEMNOR F7 MODE.NeR +64 108
#note Steve spent awhile here, s(Y)NDROME is the one standout play.
>Morris_Greenberg: CEEIKRT 13C CRE.K +30 58
>Steve_Hartsman: OX I8 OX +37 145
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEITTU J9 ETUI +16 74
#note I debated between this and TUTEE J6, ultimately thought I am enough down where keeping a good leave to bingo quickly is necessary over 7 extra points, Quackle agrees with my choice.
>Steve_Hartsman: AMNOW E4 WOMAN +26 171
>Morris_Greenberg: AABENTV D4 ABET +35 109
#note V is a good tile for the board after ABET given 8I spot and the new C4 spot. Quackle agrees with this choice.
>Steve_Hartsman: AETT F2 TEAT +17 188
>Morris_Greenberg: ABHINTV 7I BAITH +32 141
#note I liked given no S's have been played to create the S bingo lane over VIN for 27 or VINA for 28 which Steve is usually hitting right after. Quackle prefers VIN or VINA by ~1%.
>Steve_Hartsman: IIIII -IIIII +0 188
>Morris_Greenberg: CEGNQUV M2 QUENC. +40 181
>Steve_Hartsman: DHO K9 DOH +38 226
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EFGTVW 4L W.FT +22 203
#note I considered a lot of things here, I ultimately thuoght this gave my best chance to bingo next turn which might be needed. Quackle agrees.
>Steve_Hartsman: AEEIRRS O2 AR.ERIES +74 300
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EGIPVV J4 VIV. +18 221
>Steve_Hartsman: AEU N9 EAU +7 307
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EFGLLP 5H FL.P +18 239
#note Quackle slightly prefers O11 PELF. The odds of Steve not having the S is insanely small right?
>Steve_Hartsman: AILR D12 A.IL +10 317
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EGILLN 2C GLu.ELIN +60 299
#note I debated not bingoing here since GLu(T)ELIN is so few and play GIL(L) 15A instead. I just thought it wasn't hitting often enough, and if I draw the right hefty tiles (which seem to be in the bag based on Steve's last few turns), this felt more fruitful. They are both around 14% win percentage per quackle, and nothing else is close.
>Steve_Hartsman: DENOS O11 NOSED +23 340
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEIORY M9 RADIO +24 323
#note I was fairly low on time here. I saw ROADI(E) 14J would win by 1 after JO 3B and then YEP 1G, and lose by 1 after JO and YES (I missed JI(A)O L12 that it would create). I decided to switch my play to RADIO for 6 more and hope Steve tunneled on JO 3C and I can steal the game with either YEP or YES, for 3/8.
>Steve_Hartsman: IJNOPSS 3B JO +24 364
#note Steve said he wasn't 100% on RADIO being either RADIOS or RADIOES for the plural and didn't want to risk it.
>Morris_Greenberg: EOY B3 .OEY +22 345
>Morris_Greenberg: (INPSS) +14 359