Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Agnes_Kramer Agnes Kramer
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Agnes_Kramer: ERVY 8G VERY +20 20
>Arie_Sinke: AEILQRR -QR +0 0
#note Apparently I bingo more with AEILRR than with AEILR here - I find that very hard to believe.
>Agnes_Kramer: FMO I7 F.OM +14 34
>Arie_Sinke: AEEILRW G6 RE.IEWAL +67 67
#note LIVEWARE looks like a substantial improvement - it doesn't set up plays at H12-15. I didn't think of it.
>Agnes_Kramer: CCIORST 12G .CROSTIC +80 114
>Arie_Sinke: BHILLOU F2 HULLO +22 89
#note BOIL 11J looks like a slight improvement. The leave is obviously worse but it keeps the board tight and scores a few extra points.
>Agnes_Kramer: AQT H4 QAT +25 139
>Arie_Sinke: BEFGILM M9 FIL.BEG +34 123
#note This looks like a strong play.
>Agnes_Kramer: AGNSV 14C VANGS +28 167
>Arie_Sinke: AHMOPRT F9 PHO +38 161
#note This looks best.
>Agnes_Kramer: DEJSU 15J JUD.ES +51 218
>Arie_Sinke: ?AIMNRT O6 MARTINs +86 247
#note Best bingo.
>Agnes_Kramer: IPUU 4H .UIPU +32 250
>Arie_Sinke: ABDDDET 15H AD...... +54 301
#note Looks best.
>Agnes_Kramer: AEY E11 YEA. +32 282
>Arie_Sinke: ABDDEIT N2 ABIDED +33 334
#note This looks best.
>Agnes_Kramer: OX O1 OX +36 318
>Arie_Sinke: AEENRTZ M2 ZA +49 383
#note Looks best.
>Agnes_Kramer: IR N12 .IR. +20 338
>Arie_Sinke: EENNNRT H10 RE. +24 407
#note This is not a very good play. It is basically a desperate point grabbing play. I want to be far enough ahead that I can withstand Agnes bingoing. The problem is that it doesn't close anything down and the leave is atrocious. I could play ANTE 5H instead, score only 4 fewer points, and get rid of one N.
>Agnes_Kramer: EK J6 KE. +25 363
>Arie_Sinke: EINNNTT D13 N.N +6 413
#note This is poor. I block an extremely marginal line while scoring almost nothing. Blocking the H with something like G1 TEN is a lot better.
>Agnes_Kramer: AEW C12 WA.E +28 391
>Arie_Sinke: EEINOTT 2F .OTTIE +11 424
#note This position illustrates why NAN is so weak - I am now in a position where I can't win more than 75% of the time. I have to block SOOTHING/SHOOTING no matter what's in the bag, and after HOTTIE I lose to a G draw (NITROsO, SOlITON) and a T draw (ISOGONe.) HOTTIE is the best I can do, though.
>Agnes_Kramer: ?GINOST 15A GI..S +26 417
>Arie_Sinke: ENO 11J NOE. +16 440
#note I was 99.999% certain that GIENS was no good but couldn't challenge under the circumstances.
>Arie_Sinke: (NOT?) +6 446
Player 2
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