Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Eric_Harshbarger Eric Harshbarger
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Eric_Harshbarger: BCIOR 8D BORIC +24 24
>Jackson: ENNRRUZ E7 Z.NER +28 28
>Eric_Harshbarger: EP 7E .EP +26 50
>Jackson: EGNOORU G3 GROU..E +13 41
#note UROBORIC!! I thought about extensions but never saw UROBORIC. Huge miss. CONGOU also looks better than GROUPIE, though I was happy to open the top left
>Eric_Harshbarger: GP 6F P.G +23 73
>Jackson: GKLNOSS 10D L.KS +29 70
>Eric_Harshbarger: ADE D8 .A.ED +20 93
>Jackson: GLMNOOS 4E GO.M +10 80
#note MOO/GO might be the better version of this play. Considered GOLDS as well. I liked killing the board with GORM, but I'm also temporarily giving up a lot of power of the rack. MOO looks like the best of both worlds, GOLDS gives up the power of the rack but scores in the process, but MOO does keep things tighter while keeping the S.
>Eric_Harshbarger: IQ 5D QI +28 121
>Jackson: ?LNOSSV 12B NO.S +20 100
>Eric_Harshbarger: ACNY B10 CA.NY +32 153
>Jackson: ?EELSTV C11 V.E +23 123
>Eric_Harshbarger: ABFHITV 6C HI +16 169
>Jackson: ?AELSTT B2 gESTALT +74 197
>Eric_Harshbarger: HI 3G .HI +15 184
>Jackson: AADDEOT A1 DADO +28 225
>Eric_Harshbarger: ?EIILRS J3 SIlLIER +66 250
>Jackson: AEIITTW C1 TAW +28 253
>Eric_Harshbarger: OUVW 9I V.OUW +19 269
>Jackson: AEIIRTT 1C .ITRATE +24 277
#note Tough spot. I thought about AIT A7 but not much AIT/AW. The 8L spot isnt super dangerous unlexx he has an M, but he does have an M a fair amount of the time, or sometimes stuff like NABE. EIRT can be nice to keep in case he does give me a lane, but I also felt like reaching into the bag for the J and X would be good, though there is enough drek to make it a worry. TITTIE might be a nice balance of the two, keeping AR is better for scoring and prevents horrible racks. I like TITTIE now, a bit more than TITRATE
>Eric_Harshbarger: AEMR 8L MARE +39 308
>Jackson: AEILOOU I9 .OILE +9 286
#note Maybe A7 EAU is the call, just try to grind it out and draw the J for JAW. Hard to imagine winning after that, I liked VOILE cause I could draw JX and threaten plays on each side and hope he misses all the scoring stuff. Exchanging 7 looks good at first, leaving total drek in the bag, but he can almost always block at 7M and coast
>Eric_Harshbarger: DEFN 7I F.NED +29 337
>Jackson: AAJNOUX H13 OX +11 297
#note maybe an instance where I shoulda conserved more spread, cause OX isnt a win with optimal play, and with the Y draw he just has to find FEU to block, so I should just take the L or go for a longshot that isnt so expensive on spread, like AX/AY
>Eric_Harshbarger: BFINTUY 15F BUY +63 400
>Jackson: AAEJNU G13 JE. +45 342
>Eric_Harshbarger: FINT 12H F.INT +45 445
>Eric_Harshbarger: (AANU) +8 453