Player 1 |
#player1 Chris_Walleck Chris Walleck
#player2 Max_Karten Max Karten
>Chris_Walleck: AAJR 8G RAJA +22 22
>Max_Karten: AANOORV G7 A.VO +12 12
>Chris_Walleck: EKPY J6 PE.KY +28 50
>Max_Karten: ABCNORT F10 BO +20 32
>Chris_Walleck: AGZ E9 ZAG +37 87
>Max_Karten: ACFINRT F1 INFRACT +72 104
#note the weird thing is i saw INFARCT for the first time like a week after this game. i told him i was trying to think of the most plausible phony top hook for ARVO that he would buy playing FRANTIC and then i realized i had INFRACT after about two minutes.
>Chris_Walleck: ?CEGILO 5B COIL.GEs +70 157
>Chris_Walleck: ?CEGILO -- -70 87
#note this is much cooler than if he had played LOGIC(I)sE or LOGIC(I)zE. for me anyway. COmI(N)GLE and (N)EoLOGIC are the only others.
>Max_Karten: AEFINRU 4A UNFAI.ER +76 180
#note i told him "well the good news is ive giving you another spot to triple triple. the bad news is its with a U."
>Chris_Walleck: ?CEGILO K5 CEL +16 103
>Max_Karten: EEIINQT A3 Q.INTE +45 225
#note this leave might be incorrect, theres an outside chance i had Q(U)INTILE for 101 but i doubt it, i think this is the right leave, almost positive its at least half right with the E.
>Chris_Walleck: ?EGINOW 12F WIdGEON +78 181
>Max_Karten: EEIILLO B1 LOI. +19 244
>Chris_Walleck: EHO 11K HOE +24 205
#note he says "you aaaaaaaaare". i think we rubbed off on him.
>Max_Karten: EEIILMT H12 .IME +15 259
>Chris_Walleck: EIMRSTU B8 MUSTIER +76 281
#note he puts down just MUST, then waits a second and puts the rest down and got this ridiculous smile on his face and says "I bet you thought I was just gonna play MUST". i told him to stop being so adorable.
>Max_Karten: EILOTUV 3H OUTLIVE +74 333
>Chris_Walleck: HSSY 1E H.SSY +33 314
#note and again he says "you aaaaaaaaaare".
>Max_Karten: AABDDEP O1 BADE +36 369
#note this was one of my best plays all tournament because I didnt add the second D for BADED* after debating it for a good while and finally deciding it was phony. he definitely wouldve chall because it blocks his only lane for his bingo.
>Chris_Walleck: DGILOST N5 DIGLOTS +70 384
#note GODLI(E)ST M6 is a costly 15 points.
>Max_Karten: ADDNPRT A12 TRAD +25 394
#note i thought i was dead in the water here, TRAD is kind of a prayer, but i liked it better than PRAT leaving DDN because i knew that would make it a lot harder to go out and to score more. I see how D(A)N leaving one in the bag gives me a good chance at bingoing through the E in (D)IME if he has the monster X play in either hotspot, but at the time I figured that wasnt happening. quackle says PRAT tops at 45% with TRAD @ 25% after 500 iterations on 6 ply but i just dont see how its that much better.
>Chris_Walleck: EENORUW O8 OW +26 410
>Max_Karten: ?ADNPX 15H .XPANDs +17 411
#note sPAND(E)X is funnier and scores higher. im aware. he also cant go if i play DeX C13, eX C12, or APeX D11 and I couldve really milked it, im aware of that too. if your tracking was as shaky as mine you wouldnt take these chances either. AdD(A)X and ADd(A)X D5 both win but with smaller spreads.
>Max_Karten: (UNREE) +10 421