Player 1 |
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Cesar Cesar
>Sam: AAFV 8G FAVA +20 20
>Cesar: ?AEEINW I3 INWEA.Es +66 66
#note quackle likes taking the extra 4 pts for 9A INWEAvE ... ehhh... (-1)
>Sam: HOPQ 10E QOPH. +20 40
>Cesar: ABDIIRS 11D BIDI +43 109
>Sam: CELU 12A CLUE +26 66
>Cesar: AAEKPRS A10 PA.KER +42 151
#note i wish i knew words. B10 KALPA is still better than my play though and so is H1 KAPA. i actually chickened out on KAPA. lol. (-16)
>Sam: ABOT H1 BOTA +26 92
>Cesar: ADIIIJS 6F JAD. +28 179
#note turning point play. i really don't understand if i missed B9 JAIL or what, but the star play by far is B9 SIALID. (-21)
>Sam: EEEGLNT 12G GENTEEL +74 166
>Cesar: EIIIRSS K5 IRIS +19 198
>Sam: FO 7F OF +31 197
>Cesar: DEIIRST B12 .ID +20 218
#note don't know what's right here, LID or KIT. they're almost simming identically.
>Sam: OZ 2F ZO. +32 229
>Cesar: EIIRSST 13A ..ST +25 243
#note that's annoying. i hate the idea of fishing with B9 SI. I don't know if it's pride or what, but it seems like the right play. PI is fine too. this isn't. i wanted to go for some combination of points and fishing, but that's not the right thing to do with this rack. if i'm going to fish, i have to do it perfectly or not bother. (-10)
>Sam: AAH 11J AHA +26 255
>Cesar: EEIIRSS 9H S.I +11 254
#note another bad fish. PI is good. although.. maybe not against a human, i don't know. LI too. (-7.5)
>Sam: ?ADMORT 1H .ROMATeD +89 344
>Cesar: EEEIRSU M12 .EU +6 260
#note (-8). 2J RUE. this gets progressively more painful. i was just annoyed that if i had the last rack this turn i'd have dieresis.
>Sam: MUY 2J YUM +37 381
>Cesar: EEIORSU 6K .OUE +6 266
#note ok i give up. 15A ROUE gives me better winning chances. this is funny actually. the chances of sam not seeing rouen are way too low, and his chances of having an N, i don't want to calculate but i can imagine they must be astronomical. still, maybe he doesn't and i could draw one. i'm still gonna lose though. (-8)
>Sam: ENW O6 NEW +23 404
>Cesar: EGGIRSY 14L G.Y +14 280
#note i don't remember if i chickened out on EGGY or what. the sim doesn't mean much here, my play is winning though. maybe i'll draw EXIST next turn, he'll do something insane, and i'll draw a bingo? ;)
>Sam: CEX H12 .XEC +39 443
>Cesar: EGILNRS O12 RISE +23 303
#note this is really bad, but i'm pretty sure i was already overtime at this point. (-20)
>Sam: ILNNV N1 .NLIV.N +20 463
>Cesar: GLNORTT 4L TR.G +14 317
#note -1 to 9L GROT
>Sam: OR 7D RO.. +7 470
>Sam: (LNOT) +8 478