Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Annette_Obrestad Annette Obrestad
#player2 James_Donnelly James Donnelly
>Annette_Obrestad: ?EEIOSY 8G YO +10 10
>James_Donnelly: ACDFMRV 7D FARM +22 22
#note 9F FARM looks slightly better for defensive reasons. I like the 7D Spot because it set up my C on an otherwise rough board.
>Annette_Obrestad: ?EEEIOS 8C OE +9 19
>James_Donnelly: ACDEJTV E4 JAV. +28 50
>Annette_Obrestad: ?EEGIRS B2 SEdGIER +71 90
>James_Donnelly: CDEKQTU 9E TUCKED +36 86
#note Simply 9E DECK look better, keeping the Q and U together
>Annette_Obrestad: DDILNOP F2 PLOD +25 115
>James_Donnelly: ?ILOQWX A1 QI +35 121
>Annette_Obrestad: ADHIINN 10D NAH +29 144
>James_Donnelly: ?EILOWX 11C LOX +42 163
#note 11B ILEX sims best, which I did serious consider to block the devastating FROE spot. However, it looked too dangerous to actually play (with the S hook and the B10 scoring spot). LOX does sim better than OX as it somewhat obscures the TAXI/TAXA scoring plays.
>Annette_Obrestad: ADIINNT 12B NITID +31 175
>James_Donnelly: ?EIOSUW J7 WI.EOUtS +65 228
>Annette_Obrestad: AALMNVY K10 MYNA +35 210
>James_Donnelly: EHINRTU 14J .HUNT +29 257
#note I saw (S)HIUR when I watched the streamed game back. I feel like I could catch Annette off-guard with SHIUR not taking any hooks. The computer likes just (MYNA)H for the high bingo possibility or 4E (JO)INTURE
>Annette_Obrestad: ALNSVWZ 4E ..WL +15 225
>James_Donnelly: EGIINOR 2F .EIGNOIR +63 320
>Annette_Obrestad: AGINSVZ - +0 225
>James_Donnelly: CEIRRST N7 RESTRIC. +62 382
>Annette_Obrestad: AGINSVZ L1 Z.NG +48 273
>James_Donnelly: AEEOOTT 1L .OEA +41 423
>Annette_Obrestad: AAILSUV 8L UV.A +24 297
>James_Donnelly: ABDEOTT 13A BADE +28 451
#note I should just play 1G OBA now.
>Annette_Obrestad: AEFILRS A6 ARF +43 340
>James_Donnelly: AEEOPTT 1G OPA +32 483
#note H1 P(I)O(L)ET gives me outs next turn
>Annette_Obrestad: BEILS 14B BES +30 370
#note Could not remember the fifth anagram on DEIL. (it's not LIDE*) Held and released
>James_Donnelly: EETT 3L .ETT +14 497
>Annette_Obrestad: IL O3 .IL +4 374
#note Misadded to 376 instead of 374, resulting in a final score of 378
>Annette_Obrestad: (E) +2 376
Player 2
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