Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Sary_Karanofsky Sary Karanofsky
>Morris_Greenberg: NORRTUW -WUR +0 0
#note Everything felt uninspiring here, WORN is better though.
>Sary_Karanofsky: IIIUUUU -IIIUUUU +0 0
>Morris_Greenberg: AHNORRT 8F RHO +12 12
#note Quackle prefers NORTH or TORAH here.
>Sary_Karanofsky: GIM 9G MIG +23 23
>Morris_Greenberg: ABNRRTU I9 .RUB +7 19
#note Missed BR(R) over the board, that is better.
>Sary_Karanofsky: HLR 11H H.RL +14 37
>Morris_Greenberg: AJNRSTZ J6 JARS +34 53
#note I thought I was making up T(HURL), TAJ G11 all the way.
>Sary_Karanofsky: DEO K5 DOE +19 56
>Morris_Greenberg: EINOOTZ 7E ZOO +24 77
#note ZOOTIE(R).
>Sary_Karanofsky: ?DDEEOP 13E DEPOsED +70 126
>Morris_Greenberg: EIINTVY L8 VINY +25 102
#note I didn't think about the L hook for this and only realized this later in the game. IVY is better.
>Sary_Karanofsky: BEE L4 BEE +23 149
>Morris_Greenberg: DEGILTU 14A GUILED +34 136
#note Again, not thinking about (VINY)L, so no (B)UILD, (B)UILT, LUG or LUGE.
>Sary_Karanofsky: INY 8L .INY +30 179
>Morris_Greenberg: ?CFLPTV -CFTV +0 136
#note I heavily considered FL? too due to the 14J spot, but figured that is much worse for bingo odds. Quacke slightly prefers it.
>Sary_Karanofsky: EEW M3 EEW +23 202
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AALOPR A11 PAR.O +27 163
#note PARAfO(I)L is the only playable bingo, and still missing the VINYL spot too.
>Sary_Karanofsky: IT E5 TI. +24 226
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AILNTU O1 qUAINTL. +83 246
>Sary_Karanofsky: EOT 15C TOE +13 239
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEGIOT 12I .OA +12 258
#note Hilariously, now I see the VINYL hook, and decide to block both that spot and the 14J spot. Quackle prefers scoring on the 14J spot with TAIGA, or the lovely GATEA(U) 2J.
>Sary_Karanofsky: Q M7 Q. +21 260
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEGIIT N5 AI +17 275
>Sary_Karanofsky: ESX D4 SEX +31 291
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGIRTV 2G VIRGATE +72 347
#note Quackle much prefers using the B5 spot. My logic was that the other lane is much easier to block so it makes my life a lot easier when Sary doesn't have a bingo immediately. However, it does allow for a lot more bingos (4.5% vs 1.5%) and high point counterplay, so I understand Quackle's outcome here.
>Sary_Karanofsky: KLN H1 L.NK +39 330
>Morris_Greenberg: AAAFNSW B10 FAN +20 367
>Sary_Karanofsky: FT H13 .FT +18 348
>Morris_Greenberg: AACCSUW C3 CAW +24 391
>Sary_Karanofsky: EIMNST N8 .IM +11 359
>Morris_Greenberg: ACSU C9 SAC +18 409
>Sary_Karanofsky: ENST 14J SENT +17 376
>Sary_Karanofsky: (U) +2 378
Player 2
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