Player 1 |
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#player1 Marcela_Kadanka Marcela Kadanka
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Marcela_Kadanka: IMNTU H4 MUTIN +20 20
#note I didn't even hold this, blech.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGGHTW 9F WAG +17 17
#note WA(U)GHT, missed that. I thought an S or blank is unlikely to be kept here so I wasn't as nervous about the hook this creates. I figured with the E hook available for MUTINE that this was the best scoring spot on the board and would often force Marcela to open. I also liked that this has some front extensions too (I saw the only 2 available - PERMUTING and COMMUTING).
>Marcela_Kadanka: BOP I3 BOP +18 38
>Morris_Greenberg: CEGHNST 7C CHEST.NG +69 86
>Morris_Greenberg: CEGHNST -- -69 17
#note I was 100% on ETCH(I)NGS and not 100% on CHEST(I)NG (but was 90+%, I knew CHESTED, and I think in retrospect I mixed this up with the CHESTILY/LECYTHIS pair), and played this for the defensive merits. Absolutely way too greedy here, great challenge by Marcela.
>Marcela_Kadanka: ADEIOPT J5 OPIATED +73 111
>Morris_Greenberg: CEGHNST 7H .C.NG +11 28
#note THEGN K1 is much better as well as a host of other plays, I think I was a bit tilted here.
>Marcela_Kadanka: CEERSTU E4 ERUCTS +24 135
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EHIIST L5 rI.HTIES +80 108
>Marcela_Kadanka: IQ J2 QI +35 170
>Morris_Greenberg: EEFGOOS 8L .OOF +30 138
#note Quackle prefers GOOF D1 here. I thought GOOF killed that side of the board more than I could afford at this score.
>Marcela_Kadanka: DEILW 11E WILDE. +22 192
>Morris_Greenberg: EEEGRSZ 4A GEEZ.R +36 174
>Marcela_Kadanka: DEOT H11 .OTED +24 216
>Morris_Greenberg: AADENSU 2J .UEAN +28 202
>Marcela_Kadanka: EJR 14F JE.R +27 243
>Morris_Greenberg: ADHLNSU 1L HAUL +46 248
#note Shoot, HANDFULS or HANDSFUL. I autopiloted this.
>Marcela_Kadanka: AELMNRT C1 LAM.NTER +72 315
>Morris_Greenberg: ?DINNSY A1 DIN.Y +30 278
>Marcela_Kadanka: ABORV 15B BRAVO +20 335
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ELNSVX L1 ..X +13 291
#note I missed (E)X I11, not sure how. Quackle likes V(ICING) more too, I figured given 7/13 unseen are A, I, O, FLAVONES or FLAVINES has to be the right idea to go for.
>Marcela_Kadanka: IK 8A KI. +21 356
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ELNSVY 10I Y. +10 301
#note I saw SL(O)VENlY but miss S(O)LVENcY, that is the obvious play. Lucky to draw the right tile here and not be blocked.
>Marcela_Kadanka: AAEFOOS 1C .OOFAS +30 386
#note Marcela's decision here is tough, Quackle doesn't find an 100% win because the bag bingos often from both the OF of HOOF and the second D in DOTED. Blocking the OF area wins around 3/4 of the time, not blocking and trying to outrun with LOOFAS wins a bit under half of the time.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EILNSV O8 .LaVINES +92 393
>Morris_Greenberg: (AAER) +8 401