Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 RobinPollock Robin Pollock
#player2 JoshSokol Josh Sokol
>RobinPollock: IIII -IIII +0 0
#note montreal club 11-01-23
>JoshSokol: FHOOQSW H8 WHOOF +36 36
>RobinPollock: ?ELNRST 13H STERNLy +79 79
>JoshSokol: AIOOQRS I8 OAR +17 53
#note I don't quite understand playing through with ROO instead, other than I get QUA(y)S a lot more. I wasn't sure if I should exchange instead. This sets up QIS at least. But maybe I just have to Deal With It. #strategysmall
>RobinPollock: GLU J10 GLU. +17 96
>JoshSokol: EIOOQSZ J6 QIS +38 91
#note didn't consider ZOO in the same spot. Quackle prefers shedding the Q, keeping the Z.
>RobinPollock: AGW L12 G.AW +24 120
>JoshSokol: ADEEOOZ 14I ODE. +24 115
#note I didn't like (W)OOD instead because she had first dibs on extensions that she certainly knows better than me, but (W)OAD is totally fine here. This is too aggressive with the Z. #findingsmall
>RobinPollock: CEEPTX 15D EXCEPT +57 177
#note costly mistake
>JoshSokol: AEILOTZ K4 ALIT +21 136
#note I hated playing this, but I feel like I haven't been keeping the Z enough. This sets up good plays. I hated playing on 14A or 14B because of how much those plays give back. Many things appear close here. #questionable
>RobinPollock: FLO 15L .OLF +30 207
>JoshSokol: CEEOOUZ 4H ZOE.E +48 184
>RobinPollock: AAAEEGP 5D AGAPAE +31 238
>JoshSokol: CIKOOUV 4A COOK +38 222
>RobinPollock: AINU A1 UNI.A +21 259
>JoshSokol: IIMNUVY E11 UNMI. +28 250
#note saw that 6B IVY drew into MIR(ZA), but with her rack seeming strong that didn't seem to be a great prospect since it opened lanes and kept a U to boot, even if I draw into MIRZA. Felt like clawing my way back instead. #questionable
>RobinPollock: EIMNNST F4 M.NNITES +66 325
>JoshSokol: ?BDEIVY 3L BEVY +28 278
#note this shouldn't have been automatic. But it was. Bad autopilot. I should probably chill and play IVY now. #strategysmall
>RobinPollock: IV O1 IV. +27 352
>JoshSokol: ?DEIRRR B3 D.RR +12 290
#note really sad miss of t(O)RRIDER, since I saw hORRIDER in the same spot. I just couldn't come up with it. It might seem wrong to bingo here, since I am still behind and it gives her free reign, but I need to and threaten some big H1 play. That's my best shot #findingSADDEST
>RobinPollock: IY 6D YI. +19 371
>JoshSokol: ?BEIJNR D9 JIBE +35 325
#note thought about fishing the J. I still don't think it scores enough and she will navigate the position decently. The issue is always going to be H1 plays outrunning everything. Kind of rather hope for a miss
>RobinPollock: U 9D .U. +10 381
>JoshSokol: ?ADHNRR I3 R.. +4 329
#note this only truly wins with E draw (VERANDAH N3, UNTHREAD 1A) but she said something that made me think I would not draw an E. I just hoped she would miss UNTHREAD or that I could miracle outrun with H1 plays.
>RobinPollock: ADEEIST 1A .T +2 383
#note if you can find the best endgame here, you win at life. This is 2nd best.
>JoshSokol: ?ADHNRT H1 cHA..N +53 382
#note better to just play C12 DAN to block DEIS(M) and set up TH(A)R(M)s.
>RobinPollock: ADEEIS 13A DEIS. +30 413
>JoshSokol: DRT 3G D..T +9 391
>RobinPollock: AE 2J AE +9 422
>RobinPollock: (R) +2 424
Player 2
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